Page 117 of Wrath of a King

“As you should.” She made a soft sound in her throat. “The doctors said you need at least a fortnight’s bedrest.”

I waved her concern away. “I feel fine. Just a twinge here and there.”

Her disbelieving gaze wasn’t lost on me. “Just a twinge, huh?”

She knelt on the bed, tucking her legs beneath her. Her luscious scent twined around me as she rested her head against my shoulder with a small, breathy sigh. Without a second thought, I pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, and watched a pleased smile crease her lips.

“Can you stay?” I questioned as Purrscilla stretched awake, her old bones creaking as she moved.

I despised the gruffness in my voice. If I wanted to persuade Olly to stay in my bed all weekend,thatwasn’t the voice she would respond positively to. Why couldn’t I have used a more pleasant register? Perhaps a low, sensual whisper? Or a rough growl?

She hesitated a moment before nodding, and breath began to move easily through my lungs again.

“I didn’t travel for five hours just to leave at the first instance,” she murmured into my skin.

I wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Soft lips found the column of my throat, placing a lingering kiss there.

The ease of intimacy made my throat tight. My palms dampened, and I wiped them yet again on the brocade.

There were no pretenses with Olly—no need to impress or perform. She had desired me at my worst, and aided me when I fell. She’d fought by my side without a single moment of apprehension.

How had I ever thought she was capable of murder?

“You spoke to Cryssa?” I questioned.

She stilled, her limbs going taut.

“I did.”

Olly’s tone wasn’t promising.

“She still wishes to go ahead with the wedding,” she explained, daring a fond scratch to Purrscilla’s forehead. “She maintains that she doesn’t care if we have a relationship—all that matters is that I don’t embarrass her in court.”

“Help me understand,” I began, only for her to chime in.

“Youhelpmeunderstand, Zo.” She tilted her head back to meet my gaze. “Because I’ve tried to see it in many different ways, but I simply don’t understand why an omega like Cryssa would agree to such an arrangement.”

“The title of High Consort is very valuable,” I mulled aloud.

“But she is already on the council,” she interjected. “High Consort is only a vanity position—there are no proper duties associated with the title, unlike her role on the council. One could argue that a council member title far surpasses High Consort.”

“True,” I agreed, feeling the tension mount in Olly’s lean frame. I ran a palm down her arm in what I hoped was a soothing gesture. “Then perhaps it really is about losing face in front of her peers. You’ve been together for a significant amount of time, haven’t you?”

“Five years,” she murmured, her lips barely moving.

“That is a long time,” I rationalized, trying to ignore the pinch of jealousy between my ribs. “Especially for an omega of a certain age. I imagine she had her mind set on being your mate all these years.”

“In name only,” Olly said with a sigh.

I paused, glancing down at her. “Did you never mate?”

A touch of color turned her cheeks an alluring pink.

“In the beginning, yes,” she admitted. “But after the first few months, I began to have trouble…”

“Rising to the occasion?” I supplied. “Sharpening the pencil? Getting the wind in your sails—”

A palm collided with my bruised ribs, drawing a grimace.