Page 94 of Dark Empire

I felt a creepy warmth flood my veins, and I cried out for Connor as the world faded to black once more.

The next time I woke there was warmth and pressure. A lazy, delicious warmth that flowed through me, carrying away any pain before it could even be felt. The pillow was soft underneath my head, and the warm weight of the blankets pressed down on me, making me feel safe.

The warmth seemed to be radiating from my right hand, and even as I thought about it, there was a comforting squeeze. A slight increase in pressure, drawing me up and out of the hole.

I opened my eyes.

The room spun slowly, and I felt a detached giddiness that hinted at some serious pain meds. A hospital room, with dim light filtering in through the window as rain pattered gently against the pane. Everything was fuzzy, but somehow I could see every single drop of rain. Then something shifted next to me, and two beautiful eyes were staring back at me.

They were exactly the same color as the rain.


His eyes shifted up to the monitors and then back down to me, his lips curling into something that resembled a smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Hey there. How are you feeling?”

To be honest, I was flying. Soaring though a technicolor landscape of stardust and moonlight, the edges blurred and softened, melting away the hurt as he looked at me, and even the worry in his eyes was beautiful.

I could remember the horrors of that basement room, but right then they seemed a tiny, insignificant speck. Not something to be concerned with. The world began and ended in those beautiful blue eyes, and for now, it was all that mattered.

I smiled and reached out to him.

“I’m here. I’m right here.” Connor took my hand, pressing a kiss to my palm and resting it against his cheek. It was warm, and his eyes squeezed shut as I rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone.

“You came for me. I knew you would.”

Connor choked back a sob, but he said nothing.

“I love you, Connor.”

His shoulders fell. “I love you too, Cass. I’m so—”

“Lay with me?” I cut him off, blissfully needy. “Please?”

His mouth opened and closed. In my dazed state, I couldn't see the emotions warring just below the surface.

“No, love, I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Please. I just…please just hold me. I need you.”

“Okay.” Connor huffed, and a tear ran down his face. “Okay.”

I shifted over in the bed, dull pain momentarily flaring, but I didn't care. Connor climbed in on my good side, slipping his arm under the pillow and cradling my head against his chest. He seemed reluctant—scared almost—to even touch me.

I pressed my face against his shirt, breathing him in as I felt a wetness slide into my hair. I was starting to get sleepy, and the last thing I felt before the darkness claimed me again was the feel of his soft lips against my forehead.

The third time I woke, I felt like it was for good. The room had resolved itself into a more normal color palette, and the pain, while still there, was manageable.

The ache in my head was eerily reminiscent to the way I felt waking up in the basement, and suddenly, the hospital room resolved itself into something darker. More sinister. The weight of the cuffs was heavy against my wrists again and I could smell him, feel him, hear his voice rasping in my ear and—

No. Not here. Not now.

Eyes squeezed tightly shut, I took several deep breaths, willing the rapid beeping of the heart monitor to slow. Zipping up that little compartment of horror and throwing a lock on it, because if I stopped to peek inside, I felt like I’d fall down a hole I’d never be able to climb out of.

No. I didn’t want to remember that, I just wanted Connor.
