Page 89 of Dark Empire

“Shh, love. Don't try to talk. I’m here, I’ve got you.” Carefully, as if I were made of glass, Connor lifted me and carried me out of the room. “It’s going to be okay, mo chroí. You’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you.”

The pain was fading now, a soothing warmth taking its place. Connor cradled me and soothed me, his voice soft and low in my ear. It sounded sweeter than the prettiest melody, and I smiled faintly as I lazily let my eyes drift shut. His voice became more insistent and he jostled me a bit, but he sounded very far away. I was just so tired, and now that I was back in his arms, I could finally rest.

I was safe.



“Cass.Cass,staywithme.” I carefully laid her across the backseat as her eyes drift shut again. A towel materialized in Tommy's hands and I snatched it up, gingerly pressing it to the gash at her hairline. I didn’t know how I would ever be okay again, because I knew I would never be able to forgive myself for letting this happen to her.

“Drive,” I snapped.

“I already called ahead," Alfie said. "Delaney's at the house, he’s expecting us.”

My head shot up, hearing the name of that two-bit retired vet we used to use. “No. Hospital.”

Alfie watched me from the rearview mirror as he pulled onto the parkway. “Connor, are you sure? They’re going to ask questions.”

“I don’t care. I’m not taking any chances, not with her. Call Jerome Carter. He's Cassidy's boss, his number is in my phone. Tell him to meet us there, tell him—” my voice hitched. “Tell him he’s lookin’ at head trauma, a broken wrist and ribs,fuck. Possible internal bleeding—”

“I got it Connor, I’m on it.”

The car picked up speed. I swallowed thickly as I checked Cassidy's pulse, watching her chest rise and fall. I knew it was a risky move, taking her to a hospital, but I would be damned if I was going to risk her life by having Delaney treat her in a back room somewhere like a common criminal.

I cradled her in my arms, jaw clenched tight against the fear that was threatening to knock my legs out from under me.

Blood. There had been so much of it. How much of it was Teagan's and how much was hers I wasn’t sure, but the sight of it made my stomach lurch. Not that he was any stranger to the sight. Oh, no. I was unfortunately very well acquainted with the taste, the smell of it invading every one of my senses. It was the fact that it washerblood, that she had beenhurt, and I had failed to protect her.


Her blood was on my hands now, and I wasn’t sure if it was ever going to come off.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to banish the horrible image of Teagan crouching on top of her from my mind. Fingertips brushed my cheek, and I looked down.

“Connor.” Her eyes were open. Well, one of them at least, and the terror and pain I saw there broke me.

“I’m here, mo chroí”, I’m right here. You’re doing so good, we’re almost there.” I took her hand in mine and lightly kissed the fingertips of her right hand. It was one of the only places that wasn’t marked or stained with blood.

“…is it over?”

I couldn’t suppress a sob. “It’s over, CASSIDY. He’s dead. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

“…love you…”

“I love you too, CASSIDY.” I kissed her again. “So, so much. You’re gonna be okay. We’re taking you to the hospital, they’’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you.”

I wasn't sure if it was meant to reassure her or myself. I kept repeating it, over and over. Murmuring the words into my wife's blood stained hair as she relaxed in my arms, and her eyes drifted shut again.

Now that I had her, I felt nearly paralyzed with fear. Fear over what had been done to her, and how close I had actually come to losing her.

It was going to be okay. She was going to be okay…eventually. I would make sure of it.

There was a crack in the linoleum. It ran along the edge of the faded cream tile, skittering across as one crack split into several and bled into the tile next to it. A delta of tiny cracks, easy enough to miss until you really started to look for them. There was dirt in the cracks, pressed down too far for a mop or broom to catch. Even here in a private hospital suite at Boston Memorial, a luxury few people unfortunate enough to pass through the doors ever got to see, even here, there were cracks in the floor.

And all the power, all the money in the world couldn’t stop the dirt from catching on their edges.

I stared at the cracks in fascination. Part of me refused to believe I was here. That this was actually happening. It was a detached, surreal feeling. After the nurses had taken Cassidy, I hadn’t allowed myself to even breathe until Jerome returned to tell me she was stable, and they were taking her back to surgery.