Page 86 of Dark Empire

Tommy snorted in disgust, and pressed his gun to the man’s temple. Jack was starting to turn purple, thrashing wildly. As Tommy's finger tightened around the trigger, I spoke for the first time.

“No. Leave him.”

I turned my back on the dying man and walked swiftly towards the waiting car. I jerked my head at Grady and Bootsie.

“Get rid of that,” I said, gesturing vaguely towards Jack. "Alfie, Tommy, let's go."

I slid into the driver’s seat and punched the address into my phone's GPS. Tommy unlocked the trunk and started pulling guns out of the back. I didn't know where he'd gotten them, and I didn't care.

Alfie got into the passenger seat. I'd never seen him so grim. His mouth was locked in a frown, brow furrowed with concern. “Connor, you can’t just go charging in there. That place is probably crawling with Moretti's guys. Going in there alone is suicide.”

“Give the address to Grady if you’re fucking scared, then. Give it to Callum and Michael, I don’t care,” I growled as I started the car. “If you honestly think I’m going to waste one more second on some kind of plan while that bastard has her, then you don’t know me at all.”

Tommy tossed the guns and a Pelican Case into the backseat and got in. "That's my baby sister, Connor. And if you don't think we're coming with you, man, then you don't fucking know us at all."

Alfie grabbed the dashboard as I peeled out. “Connor, that’s the thing. Wedoknow you, and you’re walking into a trap. This is a trap, and Cassidy is the bait."

“I'm the one who put her there in the first place.” I turned to him, letting the mask slip for a moment. “It’s Cassidy, Alfie.My Cass. Moretti's got her, and it’s all my fault. Call anyone you want, rally the guys, I don’t care. I can’t just sit here and do nothing while he’s…I can't…”

I choked back a sob, my face contorting in agony for one brief moment before I managed to stuff it back down again. I blew a breath out between my teeth, and the steering wheel creaked ominously. I shifted and merged onto the interstate.

“What if it were Emilia, hmm?" I asked him. "What would you do then?”

“I’m with you Connor,” Alfie said firmly. “Trap or no trap, Cassidy is family. She saved my life."

"And she's my baby sister," Tommy added. "Don't act like you're the only person here with someone to lose."

My eyes were focused on the road as I sped around cars doing nearly ninety, but my throat felt oddly tight. A raw, open terror lay there, hidden behind a cultivated mask that was starting to slip. I never liked this life, despised it even more, now, but I felt like the avenging angel of death swooping down on Teagan and Moretti with Alfie and Tommy by my side.

Alfie took one of the long guns from Tommy and started loading it. "We have to be careful.”

"No," Tommy said. "We just have to have more firepower."

He opened up the Pelican Case and held up a round object.

"Jesus Christ, Tommy." Alfie blanched. "Is that a fucking grenade?"

I exited onto the ramp to Cambridge. "Hand a few up here, Tommy. Let's kill the bastards and get back my wife.



Intheend,myunwitting savior came in the form of a nameless stooge, knocking on the door to the room where I was being held.

“What is it?” Teagan hollered.

“Moretti wants you topside, Kelly.”

“I’m busy.”

“Now. They’ve got Jack.”

Teagan stilled. I could feel the heat from his body as he hovered over me, his stinking sweat choking me as he hovered there, jeans undone and hand around his cock as he readied himself, lust-blown eyes raking lewdly over my naked body.


His head twitched in irritation. Leaning down, he licked a possessive stripe up my front and pressed his mouth to mine. When I fought against him, he gripped my throat and squeezed.