Page 81 of Dark Empire

“Cass? H-Hello, Cassidy, are you there?”

“Connor Donegal McTiernan.”

The man said my name slowly, rolling each syllable around as if he were tasting them. “It’s a strong name. A strong name for a strong man, only…you do have a weakness now, don’t you?”

The world fell out from under me. I knew that voice.

Lorenzo Moretti.

“I assume I have your attention now, Mr. McTiernan. It seems my previous attempts with your uncle have been a failure. He just can’t seem to get the message. So, I’ll be taking a more direct route with his warlord. After all, you are the future. Thomas is far too hot headed to be reasoned with.”

My hand gripped the phone. “Where’s Cassidy? What have you done to her?”

“Don’t interrupt me Connor, it’s rude. As I was saying, I’ve gotten nowhere with Callum, so now I’m going to deal with you. You and I are going to do great things together, as long as you learn to play by my rules.”

A great and terrible black rage was building behind my eyes.

“Now, let me explain how this is going to work. Cassidy is alive—for now. As long as you play by my rules she’ll be returned to you, but if you cross me, I’ll start mailing pieces of her back. And trust me, they’ll be pieces she'll miss.”

"What do you want." My voice felt like scorched earth.

"I want to meet. Just you and me, discussing this like gentlemen. No bodyguards, no weapons, no tricks. If I even get a hint that you’re trying something...”

“You’ve made your point, Moretti,” I growled. “If any of your men so much as touches her, I will burn your world to the ground.”

“I’d expect nothing less,” Moretti said, and then he hung up.

For several minutes I just stood there, motionless, the phone still held up to my ear. With a choked gasp I dropped it, sliding bonelessly down to the floor on legs that refused to hold me.

They took her, they took her, oh God.

I was spiraling down into hell. Blood and cordite drifted across my vision, singing the edges of reality as I saw my parents laid out on gurneys in the morgue, their faces burned away. Aiden bleeding out on the cobblestones. Johnny gasping my name. My heart thundered in my ears, too fast, panic and adrenaline shotgunning through my veins in and icy rage. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't--

Cassidy. My sweet girl. My heart.

No. Not her. Not her, please, if anything happens to her I’ll—

Except something already had. They had taken her. They had her right now, and God only knew what they were doing to her. What had already been done.

Calm down. Get it together Connor, panicking isn’t going to get her back. It won’t save her.

My vision swam. Deep, shuddering breaths as I tried to slow my erratic heart, pushing my pain and terror down as deep as they would go. Donning that icy, blank mask, strapping on my armor in order to save her.

All that was left when I opened my eyes was a cold, black rage.

I stood. I shrugged off my jacket and walked into the closet, opening up the safe and pulling out my second shoulder holster along with several magazines. Those went into the pockets of my jacket. A bulletproof vest was next, my shirt carefully buttoned over it before I slid on both holsters.

I put his jacket back on and tied my tie, and then—and only then—did I feel calm enough to make the phone call.

Tommy answered on the first ring.

“What’s up, Connor?”

When I spoke, my voice was steady and cold, utterly devoid of emotion.

“Get everyone together at the warehouse. We’re going hunting.”