Page 71 of Dark Empire

There had been plenty intimate moments since that night on the couch, but we had yet to reach the level of intimacy we’d had in Romania. It was the longest I had ever gone without sex. I wanted her, only her, so badly it was just about killing me, but I absolutely refused to push her.

It was an exquisite form of torture. The kisses and touches, cuddling together on the couch or in bed. I saw her warming to me more and more each day, but although I could see in her eyes that she loved me, she had yet to say it out loud.

And that was okay. Her heart was still fragile. She wasn’t ready yet, but I would wait for eternity if that was how long it took. She was worth it.

“So, birthday girl, what do you want to do today? Anything you want, although I do have something planned for tonight.”

I could barely contain my nervous excitement, but I’d have to, if I was going to make it until the evening. Cassidy looked up at me, surprised and pleased.

“You mean you don’t have to go in to the office today?”

“Nope. I'm all yours."

Forever and always.



Ithadbeenagood day.

No, scratch that. It had been a great day. One of the best I'd shared with Connor yet, and my heart was skipping with a lightness I hadn't felt since Maine.

As birthdays go, it had been pretty low-key, but that's what I wanted. We cooked breakfast together, and then I read for a bit while Connor played piano. I hadn't made much progress in my book—terrible progress, actually—because I only had eyes for him.

If Connor knew I was watching him, he was being deceptively coy about it. He looked so completely relaxed, his shoulders loose and his long, graceful fingers flying over the keys, and the look on his face was one of pure happiness.

I loved seeing him that way.

It was a cold, rainy day, so after lunch we both cuddled together under a blanket, dozing and trading lazy kisses that hinted at something more.

And it was that something more I wanted. I wanted it and I knew he did too, but there was still a small, lingering fear holding me back, afraid I'd get hurt again if I completely let go. One little corner of myself that still didn't entirely trust him.

But I wanted to.

“What's on your mind, sweetheart?”

I shook my head to clear it and turned away from the rain-spattered window as he drove through town. “Nothing, just wondering where we're going.”

“I told you, it's part of the surprise.”

Connor seemed really excited, and it was catching. I had just about had to pick my jaw up off the floor after he told me that he was taking me out to dinner--we hadn't gone out as a couple since Maine. Despite his excitement, though, I didn’t fail to notice the second car or the added security detail. Wherever we were going, it must be worth it for him to go to this much trouble.

“Turn up here, Teag, and duck into the alley. I want to use the rear entrance.”

Teagan nodded. He'd been taking on more roles, lately, serving as an extra bodyguard as well as chauffeur from time to time. Connor said Callum was grooming him for promotion to warlord, a hierarchy I admittedly still didn't completely understand. He seemed nice enough, but there was something behind his smile I didn't like.

I hadn't seen anything of Alfie. Tommy said he was back on his feet, but Connor didn't want to talk about him much. I supposed he was digging around for more evidence that Alfie could be the mole, and my heart ached for him. It was a hell of a thing, to suspect your best friend of becoming a traitor.

I frowned as the car made the turn. I knew this street, it was—

“Are we going to Emilio’s?”

I was nearly jumping up and down with excitement. Emilio’s was my favorite restaurant—a bit of a dive, but the food was phenomenal and the owner was a sweetheart. Jerome and I used to go there every Friday night after work.

“You caught me,” Connor laughed. “You really have been up in that apartment too long, love, I was sure you would’ve figured it out before now.”

“Oh my god, thank you—this is perfect!”