He waved me off and drew in a shuddering breath. “You’re my baby girl, Cassidy, and I love you. I will always love you, no matter how much you hate me. I hated that our last words were spoken in anger. When I heard you were back in town, I thought maybe this was God's way of giving me one more chance, but then--Christ--you were dragged down into the muck with the rest of us, and I was so afraid I was going to lose you like Rosie."
There is nothing more uncomfortable than seeing a parent on the verge of tears. I'm not a touchy-feely person by nature, and the sight of my father's red-rimmed eyes made me want to shrivel up into a ball. It also felt like a sucker punch to the gut.
"Tommy, of course, wanted to protect you. He's never stopped needing to be your big brother, and I hope, for his sake, you'll go easy on him. But Tommy's too hot-headed for his own good, and I was too slow on the draw to protect you anymore. Too old and frail," he added faintly.
He stared out the window for a long moment, then shook his head. "So I picked a better man than both of us. Connor is smart, ruthless, and cold under pressure. I had no doubt that he would protect you until his dying breath. He knows this life intimately and has been hurt enough by it to respect it. He's the only man who I would trust with something as precious as my daughter."
My lips twitched, but it wasn't quite a smile. "He's done pretty good so far, despite my better efforts."
"I heard. I’m so sorry you were dragged into this, Cassidy, and I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through. For what I said and did. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t hate you, Dad.” My face was wet. I hadn't even realized I was crying. “I love you. I don’t like you very much, but I do love you.”
He huffed a laugh that held no humor. “Fair enough.”
“Whatever was said, whatever was done, it’s over now. We can’t change it.” I shook my head. “But despite all of that, I’m actually glad it turned out this way. I’m happy.”
“Are you really? You’re happy with him?”
I was surprised at how easy the smile came to my face. “I think I might even love him, Dad.”
My father smiled too, for the first time that night. We both lapsed into silence, equally shellshocked by the progression of emotions that had passed in the last few minutes. The silence was a little awkward, the truce between us still new and tentative, but it was a start.
"Boss,there'ssomebodydownhere that says he needs to speak to you." Grady's voice sounded tinny over the intercom. "He says he works with Mrs. McTiernan--um, I mean, you wife."
As if I didn't know. Bless Grady's heart, but he tried. "All right, send him up."
I slowly rose from my desk chair as I heard the elevator ding and the front door open, and made my way down the hallway to where Grady was standing with a grim-faced man in his late fifties in a suit and tie. Dr. Jerome Carter looked me up and down, expression souring as if I were a spot of shit on his dress shoes. "So you're the husband nobody has heard anything about."
"And you're the nosey boss," I said flippantly. "Why are you here?"
"To see what kind of man you are." Well, Dr. Jerome Carter certainly didn't mince words. "And to take Cassidy from here if she's in trouble. I haven't heard from her in several days."
I bristled internally. I walked over to the bar cart and poured myself a scotch. I didn't offer him one. "I wasn't aware Cassidy answered to you during her off duty hours."
"No, but it's not like her to ignore her friends."
"And is that what you are?" I took a sip from my glass. "A friend?"
Jerome's hands curled into a fist. "It's more than you probably are--I've known Cassidy for years. I think I know her better than you."
"I highly doubt that."
"Jerome? What are you doing here?" Cassidy sounded breathless, her eyes wide. "Connor?"
I gave her a flat smile. It wasn't her fault, but I still wasn't pleased with Jerome's tenacity. The last thing we needed was for civilians to get involved in Clan affairs. "Not to fear, love, Jerome is here to whisk you away from your evil captor."
"Oh my God." Cassidy pinched the bridge of her nose. "Jerome, I'm sorry. Connor was sick and we had a lot going on, I think my phone has been dead for a couple days. You must have been frantic."
"Teresa was frantic. I was determined." He took a step towards Cassidy, and I fought not to intervene. Cassidy could hold her own. "Are you all right? What is going on here?"
Cassidy looked at me for answers, but I shook my head. She knew Jerome better than I did, and I trusted her to say what needed to be said.