Page 64 of Dark Empire

My heart thudded heavily in my chest as I smoothed out the piece of paper to read Johnny's last words:



"Does it mean anything to you?" she asked. "The first part seem self-explanatory, but what about the rest?"

I honestly couldn't make sense of it. My hopes fell, dashed as quickly as I'd dared to indulge them. Johnny had just woken up, he was likely disoriented and in pain. Guilt hit me like a sucker punch to the gut at the thought of that kid spending his final moments trying to scrawl out an incoherent plea for help from the man who had failed him.

"I don't know." I folded up the note and put it in my pocket. "I'll look into it, though, maybe I'll turn up something that will make sense."

"We. Don't shut me out." Cass folded her arms across her chest. "Johnny was my patient. I have a responsibility to find out who did this."

"I know, and I respect that about you, I really do. No--let me finish," I added when she opened her mouth to protest. "I'm not shutting you out. But we have to go about this the right way. You can't go off on your own anymore."

Cassidy paused, then nodded. "As long as we do it together. I won't be budged on this."

"Of course." I smirked. "I've learned long ago that a Quinn with their blood up is a force to be reckoned with. I won't shut you out, Cass."

I took her hand in mine, and she let me. "Another thing I was thinking...I want you to go back to work. It's not fair that you put your life on hold for something that was out of your control."


The spark that lit in her eyes made me almost giddy, knowing I had put it there. "Yes. Let me talk it over with the guys, but I think if you keep your phone on you at all times, Tommy or I can drop you off and pick you up after your shifts. Trust goes both ways."

I grunted as she launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around my waist. My side howled as she squeezed me tightly, burrowing her face in my neck, but I ignored the pain and held her back just as tightly. I wouldn't give her up for the world.

“I promise I will keep you safe, Cass. Until my last breath."




Knives flashed and water boiled, while something soft and jazzy played on the Bluetooth speakers hidden under the kitchen’s upper cabinets. Garlic and onion sizzled in olive oil, the savory aroma blooming through the kitchen and enveloping me like a warm hug.

Across the aisle, I eyed Connor out of the corner of my eye. He was dressed about as casually as I'd ever seen him, wearing dark jeans and a black tee shirt that was conspicuously tight—for my benefit, I suspected.

I blushed inwardly, biting my lip as I admired his figure. If he noticed, he sure didn't show it, because he just stood at the stove, whistling along with the music while he stirred the sauce, adding ingredients here and there. I eyed the broad expanse of his back, pushing aside sinful thoughts while I reflected on the past week.

Yes. It had been a week since our mutual couchbound confession. Connor had recovered fully from his bought with the flu, and we found our relationship approximately where it had left off in Maine. A little hesitant, still feeling each other out, but the spark was back.

For both of us.

I smiled softly as I turned back to my cutting board, chopping tomatoes for the sauce. Behind me, Connor turned slightly, watching me out of the corner of his eye. His gaze softened.

He came up behind me, careful to let me know he was there before he touched me, lest the knife I was wielding accidentally slipped. Connor saw my smile widen, and he pressed a soft kiss to the back of my neck as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Those tomatoes ready, or what?” He chuckled as I backhanded him lightly across the stomach. “I swear, you are the slowest chopper I’ve ever seen.”

“I'm the one doing all the work, jackass—all you have to do is stir the pan.”

I hummed as Connor seemed to think I had a point, and then he placed another slow kiss just behind my ear, and I nearly had to grip the counter to stay upright.

“It’s okay love, take as long as you need. I’d wait forever for you.”

Somehow, I didn't think he was talking about the tomatoes anymore.