Page 26 of Dark Empire

“Yeah, but it’s not like you think,” I smiled faintly. “Da had a little shop in Blackstaff Stop that turned a fair living, and Mam taught at the University. We lived comfortably, but not extravagantly.”

“So, nothing like this.”

“No. Callum would fly us over. It was the only time we got to see the whole family, and it was the highlight of our year.”

Cassidy nodded as if filing that away in her mental rolodex and turned back to the window as the car pulled to a stop. She was out before Alfie had a chance to open the door for her, and she pulled her own suitcase out of the trunk. The woman definitely did not like people doing things for her.

Thunderclouds rumbled in the distance. A front was rolling through.

Alfie hauled out my suitcase, but his hand lingered on the handle. “You guys going to be all right out here on your own? I don’t want to come back in a week and find out Cassidy murdered you.”

“It’s a big house,” I grinned. “I’m sure we’ll make it work.”

Alfie was eyeing me thoughtfully. “All right, but if you need anything—anything at all—I’m a phone call away. I’ve got the guys running through in regular shifts over the grounds, so you won’t be totally in the blind.”

“Not Finn.”

“No,” he made a face. “Not Finn. He’s grounded for the time being.”

That was putting it lightly. I’d been ready to skelp the bastard when I found out he’d left his post watching over Johnny. There was some excuse over a phone call and who said what, but in the end, Alfie promised me he’d take care of it. “Milk runs and nothing else,” I said flatly. “I told you he was trouble. Who’s running point in the Seaport?”

The Seaport was my district. I handled all the incoming and outgoing shipments, kept the pursers happy and the captains in line. It was a big job, but it didn’t involve getting my hands too bloody, so I was glad to take it.

“Teag and me,” Alfie said. “Callum likes the job he’s been doing running security, so he’s giving him a tryout.”

“Moving up in the world.”

“Something like that.”

Maybe that would placate Teagan a bit. He always was the ambitious sort, and Reaping wasn’t exactly a full-time job.

Alfie clapped me on the back, shaking me out of my thoughts. “Relax, Con. We’ve got this. You go enjoy the week off with your beautiful new wife. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

He waggled his eyebrows at me, and I chuckled. Alfie was the only one outside of the family who knew about the whole arranged marriage routine. Callum had fought it at first, but in this one small thing, I’d prevailed. Alfie was my best friend, and he’d know something was up. “Oh, I think we can safely strike that from the list. Don’t take all the pretty girls back home while I’m gone.”

“Brother,” he grinned as he walked back to the car, “as if you ever gave me a run for my money.”

Cassidy was waiting for me up on the porch, presumably to give me and Alfie some privacy. She stared out over the gardens, that little worry crease formed between her brows.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She shook herself as if coming out of a dream. “Yeah. I’m fine. Let’s go in.”

I led the way through the foyer and down the hall. In the kitchen, the cook was already preparing lunch, and out on the veranda, I spotted Grady patrolling the grounds.

“So, here’s your room,” I said, opening the door to a brightly lit room on the east side of the house that overlooked the ocean. It was richly but modestly decorated, whites and neutrals giving it an old world, farmhouse feel.

Cassidy’s eyes strayed to the bed.

“I’ll be staying in there,” I said, pointing to the room across the hall. It was close enough to respond if anything happened, and we’d both have our privacy. “I didn’t think you’d be up for bed sharing yet.”

Cassidy looked at me sharply, the stinging retort fading when she saw I was teasing. Her lips pressed together, suppressing what might have been a smile. “Right. Well, thank you. I’ll just get settled then.”

Again with that inscrutable gaze, the one that turned my stomach into knots. “Sure. I’m going to go check in with the guys, and I’ll meet you for lunch?”

“All right.”

I nodded and backed out of the room, feeling unmoored. Walking back down the hall in search for Grady, I mentally shook myself. I needed to get my head back in the game.