Page 72 of Overture

“Hey, I’m open to anything. You know this.”

“I do know this.” She says with a sly smile. “It’s just one of the many things I love about you.”

We both freeze.

She just said the fucking L word.

We stare at each other for an eternity, and the silence is suddenly deafening. Amazingly, I’m the first one to come to my senses.

“So, how does pizza sound?”

She lets out a breath quickly, and the nervous laugh that follows is entirely too endearing. That’s just another thing I love about her.

And I just thought the L word. Fuck.

“Pizza sounds great.”

epilogue 1

Break In

Sloane – Three Months Later

Murderous Crows have finally finished recording their album, and there is a release party at Jude and Ren’s house in Santa Monica. There are a lot of music industry people I haven’t seen in a long time here, and luckily, none of them are people I have a problem with. All of Indigo King and their crew are here, too, since they were heavily involved in the recording and producing of the album along with Jude.

Ryan Crawford and his wife Sarah only briefly appear with their new baby girl Madelyn. She is the cutest little baby I’ve ever seen. She’s definitely got the most hair I’ve ever seen on a baby, anyway. Ren and Jude’s daughter Charlie fawned over her the entire time, and I can tell she will be a great chosen-cousin growing up.

A few hours into the party, Murderous Crows puts on an impromptu concert for everyone in attendance. They play several songs from the new album and some of their old songs. When I think they finish, the band clears out from the terrace, except for Cooper, who sets up a stool and a microphone and sits with his guitar.

“If you folks could indulge me for a minute, I would like to invite Ms. Sloane Castle to the stage area, please.” His clear voice through the sound system hits my ears but doesn’t make sense.

What is he doing?

Everyone starts clapping, and Mackenzie pushes me toward where Cooper is sitting. All the other guests apparently know what’s happening, but I sure don’t.

“What are you doing?” I stage whisper at him as I stand awkwardly by myself near him while everyone watches. “Do you want me to sing with you or something?”

He only laughs, and it’s then I see how nervous he is, and my stomach clenches. This had better not be what I think it is...

I’m going to fucking kill him.

“Sloane, we have known each other for what, five or six months now? And we’ve only wanted to kill each other for about two of those.” Everyone’s laughter joins ours. He’s not wrong. “In that time, you have challenged me to be a better person. And I can only hope I have met that challenge head-on.”

“You’re hard-headed enough!” Remy yells from the crowd.

“Fuck off, man,” Cooper chuckles into the mic.

“Seriously, what are you doing?” I ask again, glancing nervously at everyone, but they’re all just smiling at us.

“I’m getting to it. I’m getting to it, woman. Just give me a minute. I’m having a moment.” At least the humor seems to be loosening him up a little bit. “I, Cooper Fucking Davies, have written you a song. One that is not on the album. One that will be just ours. And, hide your dogs because it’s one I’m going to sing. It’s a bit of a question I’ll need an answer to at the end, okay? And it goes a little something like this...

Blinded by the spotlights

for way too long.

thinking I was happy

but I was so damn wrong.