Page 3 of Overture

That will not be happening here. Not on my watch.

So, bring it, Cooper Davies. I’m ready for you.

She pauses in the doorway, and I can’t tell if she’s nervous or afraid when she says, “I almost forgot, your mother called…again.”

I don’t respond. My mother can take a long walk off a short pier, as far as I’m concerned. I haven’t had anything to say to her in over four years.

I’m not about to start now.




Sitting in the waiting room at the Rhapsody Foundation is a bit like being outside a principal’s office in school as some sort of punishment is about to be handed out. Something I’m unfortunately very familiar with. Seeing the kids come and go as they sign up for various music lessons sends a warmth running through me as I remember the beginning of my own journey as a guitarist. My teacher, however, was just a random guy I knew down the road from our apartment building in Vegas. I could pay with stolen weed from my older brother Tim. The dude wasn’t even that good, but he was passionate about music, and I got the basics. The rest I figured out on my own. I could have used a mentorship program like this.

My thoughts are interrupted as a teenage kid, around sixteen or seventeen, approaches. He’s wearing an old Guns ‘n Roses t-shirt, and I cringe, wondering if he knows who they are or if it was just on sale at Hot Topic.

As he speaks, he shakes his long, dark hair out of his eyes. “Aren’t you the guitarist for Murderous Crows?”

“Maybe. Who’s asking?” I smirk. I’m still getting used to being recognized, but I love messing with people like this.

He turns red, suddenly not so confident he knows who I am. I almost feel bad. “My name’s Ethan.”

I hold a hand out for him to shake, giving him a wide smile. I actually do feel bad. “Well, Ethan, you’re spot on. I’m Cooper. Nice to meet you.”

Shaking my hand, he deflates with relief. “You too. Are you going to be a mentor here?”

“That’s the plan,” I nod. “Do you play? You’ve got the rockstar look down.”

The flush is back in his cheeks, but he puffs his chest out a little. False bravado if ever I’ve seen it. He’s definitely trying to impress me. This poor kid. “Yeah. I play.”

“Well, that’s why I’m here. But, if you’re in my class, I’ll only teach you on one condition.”

His eyes grow wide. “Oh? What’s that?”

“For me to believe you really want to learn and you’re not a poser, you have to tell me your favorite Murderous Crows song.”

Surprisingly, he doesn’t hesitate. “No problem. ‘Fear Factor.’”

I jerk back, shocked at his choice. “Nice. That’s one of my favorites, too.” I thought for sure he’d pull one of our few satellite radio hits out of his ass to try to impress me. Instead, he picked one of our most aggressive songs and one that’s not so well known. Teaching this kid could be interesting. “Can you play it?”

His eyes immediately drop to the floor. The insecurity is back with a vengeance, and my heart twists a little at seeing it. “A little. I learned some of it last session but didn’t get very far.”

I know Ryan Crawford was the mentor last session, so I try to hide that I’m fanboying over the fact he knows my song enough to teach it to someone else. “Well, that’s definitely something we can work on. It’s a fun song to play.”

“Hey Ethan, I’m glad to see you’re signing up again,” a smoky female voice says behind me. Ethan looks up in that direction, and his face transforms into a look I know all too well. He’s crushing hard in a way only a teenage boy can.

When I turn to check out the owner of the voice and object of his affection, I see why he’s so love-struck. Whoever this woman is, I’d sign up for whatever she teaches right along with him.

“Hi, Ms. Castle,” Ethan croaks as he tries to lower the pitch of his voice. I’d crack up, but I don’t want to embarrass him. I’ve been there, and man, it’s painful. “Yeah, and now that I know Cooper is going to be teaching, I’m super stoked.” He waves my way, and this gorgeous woman, Ms. Castle, finally looks at me, her dark eyes piercing straight through my soul.

Everything about her is beautiful and dark: hair, eyes, skin, clothes, mood. If I didn’t know better, I’d guess she doesn’t particularly like me. But that can’t possibly be true. She just met me.

“Well, we’ll see how it goes,” she says cryptically. Pointing to the open door behind her, she addresses me. “Mr. Davies? Come on in.” The smile plastered on her face is so damn fake I’m surprised it doesn’t splinter.

“See you soon, Ethan,” I say as I head into her office. I can’t help but notice her smile falter as I pass her by. Something about that makes my shoulders tighten. I’m getting a severely negative vibe from this woman, and I don’t understand it.