I take a deep breath and release the air slowly, relieved that calmer heads have prevailed in at least one instance. The fact that Normandy and her sister will be safer puts my mind at ease. Having Normandy so close, on the other hand, is putting my nerves on edge. This can either be incredibly great or an incredible disaster. Right now, it’s too close to call.
Chapter 24
After throwing a quick bag together and knowing I’m most likely forgetting everything necessary I’ll need while out of town, we get to the airport and, well, avoid the airport altogether. We’re driven to an open tarmac where Brandon’s private jet is waiting, ready to go. The awe on Chelsie’s face when she first glimpses it is priceless. I reach over and gently lift her jaw that’s dropped. I should be laughing at her about it, but I can’t manifest that emotion within myself.
“Chelsie, don’t tell me you’ve never been on a plane before.” Brandon’s amused tone matches the glint in his eye as he watches her react.
“Well, no, actually. I’ve never flown before.” She doesn’t sound nervous, though, only excited. I’m sure a lot of that has to do with her first flight being on a private jet.
“Unfortunately, this is going to ruin it for every other plane you board.” His laugh is infectious, and I can’t help but join in a little.
“I’m totally okay with that. Ruin away.”
When we pull up to the plane, she jumps out of the car and runs up the steps and inside. She doesn’t act phased at all by what’s hanging over our heads right now. We filled her in on the ride about Brandon’s discoveries, and while she’s concerned, she didn’t seem overly so. Not like me, who can’t help but overreact and overthink everything.
Brandon helps me out of the car, and the cool evening air whips around me, causing me to shiver. I realize we’re in the middle of winter, and New York City will not be this mild. I didn’t bring a winter coat. I wasn’t thinking about the weather.
“Shit. I forgot my coat. Should we go back and grab it?” I start turning to get back into the car, my mind overflowing with things I’ve forgotten.
“We’ll buy you a new coat in New York. Don’t worry about it.” He tucks me under his arm, shielding me from most of the wind, and walks me slowly toward the plane. “Whatever you need, I’ll take care of.”
His words hit my brain but don’t reach my heart. That path is blocked off and under construction right now. Besides, it’s my head needing calming at the moment. I can’t stop picturing my mother kidnapped and hurt and my father writhing in pain as he died alone. It’s gruesome and traumatizing, and I’m making up all the pictures of it in my imagination, but there’s nothing I can do about it. My thoughts are on a runaway train.
We board the plane, and I take the seat Brandon points me to, moving robotically and not noticing my surroundings. I’m sure they’re lovely. I assume we’re in a flying palace from the sound of Chelsie's chatter. I take her word for it and fasten my seatbelt, staring out the window at the mountains in the distance, pale and dark purple in the late sunset. They really are pretty….
“Norm!” Chelsie’s voice is annoyed, and I snap my attention to her across from me. I barely acknowledge Brandon sitting on my right, holding my hand. I don’t remember him sitting there or taking it.
“What, Chelsie? Stop yelling at me.” The ice in my words lashes out, and everyone around me freezes, but I hardly notice. Chelsie’s exuberance and upbeat mood are so contradictory to how she should be acting that I can’t take it anymore. “What the hell are you so excited about? This isn’t a god-damned field trip we’re going on. We’re running away to hide so we’re not fucking killed like our father was. Don’t you get that?”
She rears back as though I’ve slapped her, the smile on her face instantly crumbling, and her eyes fill with sudden tears. My hand flies to cover my mouth in shock at what I’ve said. That is so unlike me to yell like that. I immediately regret my outburst.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that, Chels.” I reach out to her, but she pulls herself out of my reach. “I didn’t mean to take all this out on you.”
“It’s okay,” she sniffles, wiping her wet cheeks. “I get it.”
I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to force my mind to clear the tornado of negative thoughts whirling through it, but it’s not working. Nothing I do makes me feel any better. Brandon carefully takes my hand in both of his again, and the solidness of them surrounding mine makes me feel small and weak in comparison. It’s supposed to be a comforting gesture, but instead, it reminds me how vulnerable I truly am. Despite this, I can’t pull away from him. I’m not even strong enough to do that.
“I am sorry, Chelsie,” I whisper.
“I know, Norm. And I am worried and scared. I guess I’m still processing all of it, I don’t know.” I can sense her shrug without even seeing it.
“Look, the two of you are now under my protection. I won’t let anything happen to either of you. I promise you that.” Brandon’s voice is so severe and full of emotion I need to open my eyes. “Every single resource I have is now at your disposal. And if you need something I don’t have, I will find it for you without question. We will resolve this.”
I can’t help but stare at him, taking in his passion as he speaks. I see now why he’s so successful. He makes me want to believe every single word he says. I would follow him anywhere and join his cult in a hot minute. It’s not just that he’s charismatic; it’s beyond that. He’s earnest. You can tell he believes what he says, which makes you believe it too. It’s incredible. It’s like being covered with a security blanket during a storm, precisely what I needed to hear.
Chelsie must feel the same way because she’s staring at him like I am. Neither of us says anything in response. I think our reaction is response enough. We are both amazed, and rightfully so.
He blushes a little under our intense gazes and lets go of my hand. If I somehow didn’t think he was attractive before, that look solidified it.
“Let me see when we’re taking off.” He stands and makes his way to the front of the plane.
Chelsie and I turn our attention back to each other, our eyes meeting briefly, then looking away.
“That right there, sis, is what we call the whole package.” Her voice is back to being excited but is more restrained now. I can’t help but smile at her comment about Brandon.