Waiting for him to make her his.
It was the most glorious feeling in the world...
Her eyes feasted on him—on the smooth, strong expanse of his muscular chest, on the narrowness of his lithe hips. On the proof of his desire for her.
He saw the direction of her gaze. Gave an amused chuckle, soft and sensual, that sent another dart of excitement through her.
Then he was taking her hand, leading her to the bed. And the sheet was cool on her back against her heated skin. Restlessly, filled with an urgency that was shooting through her veins, she reached for him as he slipped into bed beside her. She wanted him so much, so desperately...
She said his name, and in her voice was all her plea, all her desire. He gave another wicked little laugh, deep in his throat, his eyes pouring into hers.
‘I wanted to give you time,’ he said hoarsely. ‘Time to realise what you were doing to me.’
She wound her arms around his neck, glorying in it. ‘Thisis the time,’ she said. And drew his mouth down to hers.
He came over her, and the weight of his hard, naked body was all that she’d ever wanted to feel. She had longed for the strength of his arousal, his desire for her, for so long, and here it was now.Nowwas the time for his desire for her.Now, as his hands shaped her breasts, her waist, her flanks, slid down between her thighs, which parted with an instinct old as time to let him reach where she ached most for his touch.
She gave a helpless moan as he drew from her the wonder of what her aching body was capable of feeling. It was exquisite, ecstatic, sensual, and it was giving her a hunger for him, a desperation, an urgency for more, and more, and more...
Restlessly, she widened her legs further, tightening her arms around him. She wanted...and craved...and longed for everything he could give her. She said his name again—a helpless plea, a yearning, an invitation—with desire in her voice...
She felt him lift his body away from hers and gave a cry of desolation. But then he was coming down on her again and now... Oh... Her neck arched back, her hips instinctively lifted, and she was receiving him, taking him into her, fusing her body with his, making them one, melding herself with him, and he with her.
She cried out as sensation exploded within her. Wave after wave after wave...convulsing her body around his. And in the tsunami of pleasure overwhelming her she heard him cry out too, hoarse and triumphant, and then the wave was possessing them both...endlessly, eternally.
Suddenly she knew that she was his, and he was hers, and that giving herself to him with all her being, all her heart, was everything she could ever want.
Her Dante.
Connie woke and curved her body into Dante’s, revelling in the closeness of their embrace. His arm was still thrown over her, enfolding her, her back to his front, and her head was nestled against his strong chest. Their legs were tangled together, heavy and inert. The rest of the world did not exist. Only her and Dante. Dante and her...
She felt him stir slightly as she moved, then subside again, as she did, sleep calling to her once more, heavy and somnolent, warm and embracing. She gave a sigh of sweetest contentment and drifted off again...dreaming of Dante as she had dreamt so hopelessly for so long.
Now—magically, wondrously, ecstatically—it was a hopeless dream no longer.
But one filled instead with the sweetest bliss...
DANTESTOODTHERE, looking down at the woman so peacefully asleep, her breathing quiet and even, her dusky eyelashes brushing her cheeks, one lock of hair curved around her shoulder.
For a while he just went on looking and wondering.
Had last night really happened? The most unexpected thing in all the world?
This time yesterday I had no idea—none!—that I’d be standing here this morning, gazing down at Connie like this.
For a moment—just a moment—doubt washed through him. Not doubt that last night really had happened, regardless of what he’d just thought—because it was impossible to doubt that with the evidence in front of his eyes—but doubt as to whether it should have happened at all.
I rushed it! I told myself I mustn’t—but in the end I just could not resist her.
Compunction smote him—but only for a moment. Connie was stirring, as if aware of his gaze upon her, and she opened her eyes, blinking in the morning light, her gaze going straight to him.
Radiance suffused her face, telling him, with the blazing delight and wonder in her eyes, that what had happened last night had been as impossible for her to resist as for him. Gladness filled him, banishing all doubt, sweeping all feelings of compunction—so obviously and thankfully unnecessary—into oblivion.