No possibility of anything except endless happiness.
All that she, and he, could ever want.
Read on for an extract from A BILLION-DOLLAR HEIR FOR CHRISTMAS by Caitlin Crews
Mills & Boon®
Coming next month
Caitlin Crews
‘What exactly are you trying to say to me?’
Tiago sighed, as if Lillie was being dense. And he hated himself for that, too, when she stiffened. ‘This cannot be an affair, Lillie. No matter what happened between us in Spain. Do you not understand? I will have to marry you.’
Her eyes went wide. Her face paled, and not, his ego could not help but note, in the transformative joy a man in his position might have expected to see after a proposal. ‘Marry me? Marryyou?Are you mad? On the strength of one night?’
‘On the strength of your pregnancy. Because the Villela heir must be legitimate.’ He looked at her as if he had never seen her before and would never see her again, or maybe it was simply that he did not wish to say the thing he knew he must. But that was life, was it not? Forever forcing himself to do what was necessary, what was right. Never what he wanted. So he took a deep breath. ‘We will marry. Quickly. And once that happens, I will never touch you again.’
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Caitlin Crews
Available next month
Copyright ©2023 by Caitlin Crews
His Assistant’s New York Awakening
Emmy Grayson
“Given our...attraction to each other, it would be best for me to be reassigned somewhere else within the company for the duration of my contract.”
Damon had considered something similar in the depths of the night. Hearing the same suggestion from her didn’t stop the quicksilver flash of pain.
“All right. I can have your office moved, or ensure someone is present at future—”
“Which brings me to the third and final piece of business.”
He slanted her a dark look. No one dared to interrupt him. She merely stared back at him, and damn if that didn’t stir his blood.
Some of her bravado slipped. She breathed in deeply, her hands settling on her lap as she laced her fingers together.
A blush stole over her cheeks. The sight of her skin turning pink tugged memories of the previous night to the forefront.
“Spit it out, Evolet,” he growled.
“All right.”
She looked him dead in the eye and he suddenly had the feeling that the world was about to drop out from under him.
“I want you to be my first lover.”