‘Then we can get back to the hotel in time for a late dip in the pool, before we primp ourselves for Mr Uber-Smooth Rafaello,’ he said sardonically.

Connie had laughed, but all the same, by the time she was ready to head down to the hotel’s bar to meet up with Rafaello that evening, she knew she had indeed primped herself for the occasion.

The old-gold-coloured dress she’d chosen came with a matching hip-length jacket, loose-fitting and elegant, with a beautiful soft sheen to it, and she wore her hair up, painstakingly pinned to give her a little height and a touch of what she hoped was sophistication.

The overall effect certainly drew Dante’s praise and admiration, and she basked in its warmth.

As they went into the elegant bar area adjoining the restaurant she saw Rafaello had already arrived, and he got to his feet, paying her an extravagant compliment and smiling down at her.

It was set to be a convivial evening. The gourmet menu on offer was superb, the vintage wines equally so, and Rafaello was on form—and openly amused by Connie saying they’d spent the day in Trastevere.

‘Trastevere?’ A musing look came into Rafaello’s face. ‘I seem to recall Dante and I and some fellowraggazzispent a pretty wild night there once in our misspent youth!’

He spoke lightly, but Connie replied with a troubled look in her eyes. ‘Dante told me—but he didn’t really have a chance to have much of a misspent youth, did he? Thanks to his grandfather.’

‘Oh, he fitted in some misspending for all that—as the likes of the fiery Bianca can testify,’ Rafaello observed, with that sardonic note in his voice again. ‘Mind you...’ He took a reflective mouthful of wine, his eyes resting on both Connie and Dante for a moment. ‘It looks like all that’s changed now.’

Connie saw Dante’s face alter. Close down. Like it had briefly when they’d had lunch and he’d talked about his grandfather’s strictures. Clearly he didn’t like Rafaello talking about all the exes Dante had in his past. She was glad of it.

‘So, what are your plans after Rome?’ Rafaello asked, changing the subject briskly. ‘Are you heading back to Milan? And what about after that? Are you happy with Dante’s bachelor pad apartment, Connie, or do you want to go house-hunting with him? Somewhere more settled for you, perhaps? More suitable for connubial domestic bliss?’

He’d spoken lightly, in nothing more than pleasant enquiry, but Dante set down his knife and fork and looked straight across at his friend. Connie could see that the shuttered look was still on his face, and his eyes were glinting—not in a good way.

‘Raf, I have told you before,’ he spelt out. ‘Back off. I am aware of your deep amusement over my having to marry as I did, but that joke has been played out! Now...’ his voice took on a warning note, became admonitory and deadly serious ‘...just lay off.’

Connie felt a stab or alarm, but his expression changed again and he threw a glance at her and she could see concern in it—and reassurance.

‘Please do not involve Connie in your amusement. She has been an absolute Trojan in all of this. I can’t thank her enough for what she’s done for me, coming to my rescue the way she did. Yes, I hope I have made things a great deal easier for her, too, financially, but now...’ he reached out, brushed Connie’s arm, his voice softening ‘...after all she did for her grandmother she deserves this break—and I’m glad she is having it. A good, long, luxurious holiday, as much time as I can give her and a whole lot of pampering. That is what she totally deserves!’

Dante cast a warm look at her—yet for some reason this time it did not warm her.

His gaze snapped back to Rafaello. ‘I won’t have Connie upset or embarrassed.Por Dio!She’s coped really well with a difficult and insanely awkward situation and she can do without your unfunny jibes.And so,’ he said pointedly, ‘can I. Not to mention that I candefinitelydo without your trying to make trouble with—’

He broke off, switched to Italian, speaking rapidly. It was too fast for Connie to follow, but she caught words here and there—and a name. She dropped her eyes away—not wanting to be the cause, however unintentionally, of any discord between the two friends.

As Dante finished Rafaello said something, short and to the point, it seemed. She glanced up, seeing Dante scowl, his mouth compressed. Then, in a deliberate gesture, he reached for his wine. Reverted to English.

‘OK—let’s drop the subject.’

His tone of voice had relaxed, and Connie could hear him trying to inject good humour into it.

‘You asked what our plans were after Rome?’ he said, addressing Rafaello. ‘I’m thinking of taking Connie down the Amalfi coast. I know it’s getting late in the year, but this run of fine weather is tempting me to risk it. What do you think, Connie?’ Dante turned his head to her, an enquiring look in his eyes.

‘Well, it would be lovely, but...’ She let her voice trail off. Emotions were rising in her and words were failing her. Her Italian was rudimentary, still, and highly imperfect. Had she really heard Dante say what she thought he had? Why would he say it? She must have misunderstood...

Mustn’t she?

Rafaello took over smoothly. Although Connie was aware that he was observing her from beneath lowered eyebrows.

‘But she’s terrified of the thought of your driving along those hairpin bends,’ he said lightly.

Connie gave a flickering smile. ‘Dante does like to drive fast,’ she conceded. ‘But I’m getting used to it,’ she added quietly.

‘I won’t crash, and that’s a promise,’ Dante said, patting her arm reassuringly.

As reassuringly as when he’d praised her for agreeing to marry him so he could inherit his grandfather’s fortune and for putting up with their bizarre marriage...

She used her uncertain smile again—all she could manage right now. She was aware that something seemed to be making a lump in her throat...or maybe it was in her stomach. She wasn’t sure. She only knew she had to go on conversing as convivially as Dante and Rafaello were now doing again. Because for some reason it was essential she did so.