The extra inches of height her heels gave her meant when she stood before him, she almost reached his chin. Tilting her face up, she smiled. And then she pushed him onto the bed.
Lena had no idea what had gotten into her. She’d never set out to drive Konstantinos out of his mind. It had been seeing the darkening of his eyes when she’d teased him about how she’d imagined him naked that had started it; knowing that beneath the dapper dark suit arousal had pooled, and that she had caused it. It had been thrilling. Exciting. And it had turned her on as much as him.
Staring at him now, at the beautiful vampiric face contorted with his desire for her, her heart a pulsing ragged mess, her insides molten, she realised she loved him. That that was what this seduction was all about. She loved Konstantinos. Madly. Passionately. She wanted him. Madly. Passionately. She wanted to give him the same pleasure he took such pleasure in giving her. Worship him. Devour him. Make him hers forever...
She pounced.
Straddling his abdomen, she kissed him deeply, savagely, unleashing the last of the emotions she hadn’t even realised she’d been hiding from them both. It was too late for self-preservation. Her heart belonged to him now.
Wrenching her mouth from his, Lena gazed into his hooded eyes, feeding on the hunger she found in them.
A noise like a groan came from his throat.
She kissed him again, harder. He returned it with equal ferocity. And then she wrenched her mouth away again and rubbed her cheek against the stubbled jaw before grazing her lips, tongue and teeth down his neck. There was not a single bit of Konstantinos she didn’t love, she thought dreamily as she licked a brown nipple and felt him shudder. Her nails dragged through the thick hair on his chest and abdomen, the soft black hair the only part of him that was soft. Everything else was hard and yet so incredibly smooth, and she loved every part of it. Loved him, this complicated, sexy man with the beautiful green eyes and crooked smile and generous heart that had been encased in ice for far too long. Loved, loved, loved him. Loved eliciting one of his rare smiles. Loved eliciting one of his even rarer laughs. Loved the groans of pleasure coming from his mouth as she licked the velvet head of his erection and then ran her tongue down the long, thick length.
Lena had never been shy about showing her desire for him before, but this was a whole new level, Konstantinos thought hazily, his eyes flickering shut as she gripped the base and covered him with the whole of her mouth. This was nothing she hadn’t done to him before, but...this was something else.
He moaned her name.Theos, this must be heaven.
The pace of her movements was strengthening. The rush of pleasure was intensifying. He was so close...
Too close. He wanted to touch her. Taste her...Theos, he could not get enough of her taste. Of her.
Lifting his head, he threaded his fingers through her silky hair and gently pulled her head back.
She looked at him with confused eyes drugged with desire. Her lips were shiny with the moisture her mouth had created. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Come here,’ he said thickly. ‘I need to kiss you.’
She crawled up his chest. As soon as their lips fused together, he rolled her onto her back, then pinned her flat so he could get his fill of her, not just her scent and taste but the heat she exuded, the throaty moans that turned into gasps when he removed her bra and cupped her breasts, the cries of pleasure when he flicked his tongue over the cherry peaks. Her sensitivity to his touch never failed to thrill him, feed him. He wanted more. He wantedeverything.
Lena had become a mass of nerve endings. Every part of her was on fire, Konstantinos’s hands trailing scorch marks as he peeled her knickers off, the flames burning brighter when he flickered his tongue up to the delicate folds between her thighs and then teased it over the nub of her pleasure. And then he stopped teasing.
The molten heat inside her began to bubble at the pure pleasure he was endowing her with, each lap of his tongue driving her closer and closer to the release she craved, and all she could do was grip the nearest pillow tightly. ‘God, yes,’ she moaned, thrashing her head and arching her pelvis in fervent encouragement. ‘Yes, Tinos, yes. Oh, yes.’
The heat was rising, her climax building, but just as she got the first sense of the telltale quickening, he cruelly moved his mouth away from where she so desperately wanted it to stay. Before she could protest, he was sliding over her and then he was sliding inside her, and her protest died into nothing as he filled her completely in one hard thrust.
There was no savouring. No slow, sensual buildup. Not tonight.
Lust-filled eyes fixed on hers, Konstantinos pushed her knees back and, his chest brushing against the tips of her breasts, pounded into her with a passionate savagery that fired her carnal responses as much as the ferocious concentration on his face. Her nerve endings caught fire and then she was crying out his name, begging him for more, more, more as the molten reached the brim, blood rushed in her veins, and suddenly she was drowning in wave upon wave upon wave of unadulterated bliss carried along by the roar of Konstantinos’s own climax.
Lena had lain spooned in Konstantinos’s arms for what felt like hours, unable to sleep, when their baby woke up and decided to have a party in her belly. Konstantinos must have felt it beneath the hand splayed on her stomach for he stroked it gently. She’d thought he was asleep.
She couldn’t hide from her own thoughts anymore. The secret fears she’d tried so hard to keep locked away were flooding her, and now the greatest fear spilled out in a whispered, ‘What happens between us after Christmas?’
She knew she wasn’t imagining the tension that tautened his body.
Her words hung in the air for an impossible length of time, until his body relaxed and he rubbed his cheek affectionately into her hair. ‘We will work something out.’
She kissed his arm and slowly breathed out her relief.
The wound from his brother and fiancée’s betrayal cut so deep that she didn’t know if Konstantinos would ever allow himself to love her, but she knew he had feelings for her that went beyond amazing sex. He showed it in so many ways, and, though she feared she was being foolish, she couldn’t stop her heart expanding with hope that one day...
The swimming in Konstantinos’s head alternated hot and cold, a mixture of strengthening emotions coursing through him. Slowly, much slower than it usually took, her breaths evened out. The hand holding his went limp. Finally, Konstantinos felt able to move his head back and expel the longest breath of his life. Anger filled his next inhale, although whether it was directed at Lena or himself he couldn’t determine.
He knew what her question meant.
He knew, too, what had felt so different about their lovemaking that night. It was what he’d felt from Lena that had been different. Raw emotion. She’d given the entirety of herself to him.