Theos, she was beautiful.
Cupping her head, he pulled her down and kissed her, delighting when her obstinate lips sighed into his and returned the kiss with the same hunger consuming him.
With a soft moan into his mouth, she stretched her body half over his and slipped a thigh between his legs.
Twelve hours ago Konstantinos would have said it impossible that he would spend a night in The Igloo and wish for the morning not to come. And when Lena’s hand slipped down his abdomen, then lower still and took his arousal in her hand with a groan and made a fist around it that madehimgroan, he closed his eyes and wished even harder for this night to go on forever.
‘I’ve never ridden with huskies,’ Konstantinos said. They were still huddled in their cocoon, Lena’s face resting on the top of his chest, his hands making circular strokes over her back, her fingers making circular strokes around his nipple.
‘What, never?’ she asked in mock horror. ‘You’ve owned this place forever and first you tell me you’ve never seen the Northern Lights and now you tell me you’ve never been on a husky ride?’
‘Explain what I’m missing out on being dragged through snow in freezing temperatures?’
‘The exhilaration of it all! You’re out in the wilderness, your eyes are streaming because of the freshness of the air as it whips through your face—’
‘The freshness of the air because it’s so cold?’
She laughed. ‘That’s all part of the fun of it.’
‘I will take your word for that.’
‘Try it for yourself. You might surprise yourself and find you enjoy it.’
He gave a disbelieving grunt. She pinched his nipple. Before he could react in the way her body was already thrumming with anticipation for, there was a knock on the door.
Lena’s deliriously happy mood plummeted.
The knock indicated that their night in The Igloo was officially over.
The door opened. It was always that way. The acoustics of The Igloo made it as impossible for sound to travel out of the individual rooms as it was for it to travel in. The knock was nothing but a polite courtesy.
Johan, the member of staff going from room to room with hot drinks, had clearly been prepped for who to expect in this particular one as he didn’t even flicker to find the owner of the hotel and its general manager sharing the bed, or raise a brow that they’d zipped their sleeping bags together.
‘Good morning,’ he said cheerfully. ‘Hot lingonberry juice?’ A moment later the main lights were switched on.
So stark was the change in illumination that Lena had to wait for her eyes to adjust before she was able, working in tandem with Konstantinos, to sit upright.
Johan poured them both a mug of the steaming liquid and then carried their snowsuits over to them before leaving them to drink and get changed in privacy.
Cradling her mug in both hands, Lena found herself scared to look at Konstantinos even though their cocoon meant the sides of their bodies were still pressed tightly together.
With the knock of a door and the switch of a light, the spell had been broken.
Their whole night together, opening up to each other, making love, opening up even more, bringing each other to climax using only their hands, and then all the silly inconsequential chatter about everything and nothing that was neither silly nor inconsequential, the words an unceasing flow of reminiscences, potted histories, likes and dislikes with no question of wasting their precious time sleeping, and all that time holding each other, at one with each other, just them in the whole world...
And now it was over.
‘What are you thinking?’ he asked after the silence left in Johan’s wake had grown to unbearable levels.
She swallowed and tried to keep the despondency from her voice. ‘Nothing interesting.’
‘Lena, look at me.’
If his order hadn’t been so gently delivered, she would have ignored him.
What she found on his face made her heart throb.
Hooded eyes not leaving hers, he placed his empty mug beside him on the mattress and then rubbed his thumb along her cheekbone. ‘That was no mistake,’ he said quietly.