THETENDERMELDINGof Konstantinos’s lips against hers melted the last of the defences Lena had tried so hard to protect herself with.

There was nothing of the hard, scorched fury of the passionate kiss they’d shared in her cabin the other night but the emotion she could feel contained in it made her heart beat twice as hard and as fast.

He lifted his head again. His smile was crooked. ‘Your nose is cold,’ he said hoarsely, before pressing a kiss to the tip and sitting up. Working quickly, he unzipped the rest of his sleeping bag, then lay on his side to unzip Lena’s. There was a shock of cold on the side of her body exposed to the frozen air but no time for it to properly penetrate her skin for Konstantinos immediately used his own body as cover to protect her from the chill, and got to work on opening their individual liners and zipping the two sleeping bags together.

By the time they were secured together tightly, he was shivering. When he groped for her hands, it was like being touched by blocks of ice.

‘Burrow under,’ she whispered urgently, pulling his hands together and holding them against her belly while rubbing them with her own, then wriggling down as low as she could in their newly created cocoon. As soon as he’d followed suit, his knees bent as much as the tightness of the conjoined sleeping bags would allow to accommodate his tall frame, she abandoned his hands and hooked her thigh over his hip, burrowed her face into his neck and breathed into his skin, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and vigorously stroking his back, pressing every inch of herself that she could into him, doing everything she could to replace the warmth he’d lost for her.

The single-minded determination and care Lena was displaying as she used her whole body to bring warmth back into him touched Konstantinos immeasurably. His wealth and status meant people often tripped over themselves to ensure his every need was taken care of, but it was never out of concern for him as a man. Those people never saw him as anything but a billionaire with the power and contacts to be their meal ticket if they played their cards right. His lovers viewed him through the prism of his fat wallet. He couldn’t even imagine Cassia in the long-ago days when she’d proclaimed to love him doing anything but lie there with the expectation that he do all the work needed to keep them warm.

Lena was having his child. She would spend the rest of her life without a single financial worry and she knew it. He was no potential meal ticket for her: the ticket had already been cashed. And yet, despite all this, despite there being no benefit to herself, she was trying her hardest to fight the cold for him.

Every stroke of her small hands over his back and shoulders and arms, every rub of her thighs and calves over his legs and hips, every hot breath blown onto his neck and jaw, spoke louder than words that he did mean something to her. A part of her genuinely cared for him. Forhim.

He didn’t know if it was her tender ministrations or this astounding realisation that filled his chest with the final dose of heat needed to shake off the last of the chills, but it was Lena who’d filled it, and he roamed his hands over her body in turn, revelling in the softness of her contours through the clothing she wore, marvelling at the subtle changes to it since their night together, marvelling that he remembered every part of their night together so well that he could actually feel the changes pregnancy had made. Those changes only fed the desire that constantly burned for her. Clasping her peachy bottom, he rolled her onto her back, taking care not to squash her with his weight. Dim light poured through the opening his movements had created at the top of their tight nest, and he stared down at her in wonder.

Her hand moved to palm the back of his neck. It burned at her touch. ‘That’s better,’ she whispered.

He had to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. His face was barely inches above hers. ‘Are you warm enough?’

Their private cocoon muffled their words, adding to the sensation that it was only the two of them in this whole wide world.

She smiled tremulously and razed her fingers through the hair at his nape. ‘I am now.’ And then she raised her face and kissed him.

Lena closed her eyes and sank into the slow, gentle fusion of their mouths. Her already overloaded senses greedily soaked in all the new sensations filling them, from Konstantinos’s dark taste as the kiss deepened and he parted her lips with a push of his tongue, to the scratching of his stubble against her skin.

Something had shifted between them that night. And something had shifted in her, too. It had started when he’d held her so protectively during her panic attack and grown when she’d smothered his body to warm him, the awakening of a deep, primitive need to protect him just as he’d protected her.

And she knew he felt it, too. Whether the wall Konstantinos had built around himself to insulate him from pain in the wake of his brother and fiancée’s betrayal was falling down because of the baby didn’t matter. He was opening himself toher. It was there in his voice, in his every touch, and she responded to it like a moth to a flame. She was the moth and she’d carried his flame since the night they’d conceived their child.

With the tight enclosure they were trapped within preventing them from ripping off the barrier of their clothing, Lena could do nothing but hold him closely, wind her legs around his waist and drink in the ever-deepening kisses that sent sensation thrumming through her entire being and enveloped her in a cloud that contained only him.

How she’d adored touching him that night, exploring Konstantinos in a way she’d never done before; had neverwantedto do before. And how she’d ached forhistouch, a desperation to have his mouth and hands on every inch of her skin, opening herself to him in a way she’d never dreamed she was capable of. That burn was alive in her again, a burn to peel their layers off and get as physically close as it was possible to be, but as that was impossible, she would make the most of what they could share because right now this was as close to heaven as her delirious body was able to get.

Deeper still their kisses forged, an utter devouring of mouths and tongues, an assault of hands and fingers scraping and groping every inch of the other they could reach within the tight, tight confines. The weight of Konstantinos’s arousal pressed tantalisingly against her flaming pelvis, sending such thrills through her that she could have wept for his possession.

‘Theos, Lena, I want you so much,’ he groaned into her mouth as he ground his erection against her, making her moan.

She clasped the back of his head and kissed him with all the passion she possessed and pressed her pelvis tighter against him, showing him with her body how badly she needed him. The burn inside her was fast turning into molten agony. ‘Please,’ she begged. ‘Please.’

The beats of Konstantinos’s heart had never pumped so hard. His blood had never felt so thick. Arousal had never felt like pain.

He didn’t just want Lena. He needed her. Needed to be inside her, however impossible it seemed at that moment, because in that moment it felt as necessary as breathing.

The confinement of their wrappings against the freezing temperatures left little room for movement but enough for him to grip the waistband of her leggings. She lifted her bottom enough for him to yank them down to her thighs and then helped him yank his own past his hips, freeing his arousal to press heavily against the heat it so desperately needed to take possession of. The nails of one hand scratching into his hair, she grabbed his buttock with the other and writhed against him, her unashamed desire coming close to blowing his mind. It had been like that during their night together, a rabid hunger that had consumed them both.

Theos, he was trembling. She was trembling.

Aching to be inside her but with Lena’s bunched clothing preventing their bodies from locking together in the way they both so desperately needed, he had to hold his erection and, with her plaintive urgings, guide himself into the slick heat. It was impossible to thrust the whole of himself inside her but it didn’t matter. If this was all they could have then he would take it. All that mattered was this electrifying fusion of their bodies that zinged into his entire being.

‘Oh, God,’ she whispered breathlessly, her teeth razing over his cheek. ‘Please, Tinos. Please.’

Sliding a hand behind her bottom, he gripped it tightly and began to move.

Tongues entwined, they found a slow rhythm that managed to give them both what they needed, their passionate kisses punctuated by gasps and moans of pleasure.