Page 91 of I Got You

I want to know Shane. That needs to be the next step, and maybe Simone is right. If I want him to open up, I might need to be the one to lead the way. Plus, Gwen is dead on in her observations. If this tension goes on much longer, one of us might internally combust, and it’s likely to be me.

This man. I’m afraid he might be the best and the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.

Chapter 32


She’s going to kill me. Maybe it’s better that way. She’ll put me out of my misery. First, that damn strappy leotard and baggy sweatpants rolled down at the waist, and then…the pants. Tight black leather things that should only be taken off one way. By me. How much can one man handle in a day?

If she comes out of that room in anything other than a garbage bag, I’m taking her back in there, and round two is going to look a whole lot different. This woman is testing my patience and my will, and she’s about to find out that I’ve hit my limit.

In the kitchen, Nick is meticulously cutting the turkey into thin slices, Liv at his side. That little girl is a sucker for lost souls.

“I should’ve known you were Martha Stewart underneath all that animosity.”

“He’s got skills with that knife,” Gwen says in her grandmotherly way, peering over his shoulder. I see just a hint of a smile at the compliment, or maybe it’s her attempt at talking like a teenager.

“Any other hidden talents I should know about?”

“I worked at a deli in high school. That’s all,” Nick says shyly.

The back door opens, and Cole and the boys come barreling in, along with Hank and his friends. Sadie and her dad, a tall, thin man with dark, graying hair, follow behind. We talked about football, and he seems like a nice enough guy, but I’m even happier now that Maggie isn’t wearing those pants.

I watch as he wanders over to Simone, and I want to roll my eyes because Maggie called this. I stop myself just as she reenters the kitchen carrying a box.

This outfit is only marginally better. To anyone else, she’s wearing regular clothes. Her normal leggings and a sweatshirt that just so happens to be my favorite hoodie. She’s swimming in it, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t almost as sexy as the pants. Almost.

She meets my eyes, and her perfect lips offer me a gentle smile. “Better?” she mouths.

I shake my head as she nears. “That’s my favorite sweatshirt.”

“Really. I had no idea.” I know she has every idea. “Get ready for bingo. Maybe you’ll get this back.” She winks. What she doesn’t realize is, I don’t want it back. She can wear it every day.

She approaches the island where all the food is lined up, and Nick still works with the precision of a surgeon. “Nice work, Chip. See, I knew you belonged here.” She pats his shoulder. “Alright, everyone, grab a plate, fill up, and let's eat.”

Maggie sets the box down in the corner and fusses around while the room fills with teenagers piling their plates with food. Gwen helps serve, ensuring everyone gets a little of everything, and before long, they're all spread out around the house eating.

I follow Maggie through the food line, and she bumps my elbow. “Do you see where Simone is sitting?” I glance around and see her sitting at the far end of the table next to Todd. “And have you noticed that Sadie is sticking pretty tight to Chip and Cole? I think she’s maybe found a new crush.”

“Yeah, well, Hank seems oblivious.”

She scoffs. “He is, but Cole and Chip are innocent threats. Just wait until the real deal comes along. He’ll be all bent out of shape.”

Maggie checks on Teddy, Garrett, and Liv sitting at the table with Gwen while we hunt for a place to sit. I find a spot on the end couch where Hank and his friends, along with Sadie, Cole, and Nick have landed.

A second later, Maggie squeezes in next to me. “Eat up, boys, and then it’s time for bingo.”

There’s a collective groan, but then Cole speaks up. “What’s in that box, Maggie? What do you have that’s not yours?”

“Yeah,” Hank adds. “I’m going to start pilfering your stuff and holding it hostage.”

Maggie chews and swallows before responding. “You’d actually have to pick something up for that to happen. You know how the game works. Don’t leave your stuff around after I’ve asked you to pick it up, and bingo will disappear. The magic is that you guys never know what’s in there.”

“So you make them play bingo to get their stuff back?” I ask.

She grins. “Grizz, you seriously underestimate me. No, whoever wins gets to pick from the box, and then comes the bartering and negotiation. Trust me. Each year, the box is a little lighter because these slobs realize they need to be more careful about putting their stuff away.”

“Don’t even try that. You’re a thief,” Cole injects. “I don’t even live here, and I have stuff that shows up in the box.”