“What?” I try to keep my brain focused on the matter at hand and not the woman whose skin is so soft it feels like silk.
“The mouse. It’s somewhere in here. It came flying out of the cabinet. Shane…if it even goes into our bedroom, we’ll be moving…tonight.”
It takes me a second to get with it and peek over her shoulder toward the floor. Lying next to the tub, I see a tiny fluffy, fake, gray mouse. Part of me wants to say nothing because holding Maggie almost naked and pressed against me is everything I want and will never let myself have. If she would ever even let me have her. But her death grip on my neck and the simple fact that we can’t stay like this forever has me opening my big fat mouth when I really, really don’t want to.
I know who did this. I know she’ll kill him, but I have to admit it’s pretty damn funny, and I’m getting serious benefits from this little prank. I channel a little Teddy.
“What? Do you see it?” Her legs squeeze tighter.
“Well, get it!”
“I can’t. You’re cutting off all my circulation. For being so small, you’ve got some kind of superhuman strength.”
She pulls her head away, but just slightly. “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s ok, but you should know it’s not a mouse.”
“It’s not?” She pulls away from me a little further, meeting my eyes like she’s still afraid.
Those beautiful blue eyes make my voice catch in my throat for just a second. I shake my head. “It’s not.”
She hesitantly looks down between us, and it’s like she’s just realized she’s naked from the waist up. I can’t help my slight smile.
“It’s a rat.”
Her eyes grow wide, and her legs tighten around me again as she screams. “Get me out of here!” She starts clawing for the door like she’s going to pull me out.
I laugh.
“This is not funny!” she screams, her arms searching for something to grab onto. “Get me out of here, and then get it! Why are you just standing here?”
I let one hand slide up her bare spine, and if it doesn’t feel amazing. “Maggie.”
“Get moving!! Shane, I’m serious. If you don’t get me out of here and get that thing….”
“Maggie.” I try again.
“It’s fake. It’s not real.”
She stops. The silence grows loud as she stares into my eyes. “No.”
“Yes.” I step closer to the counter to grab a towel and set her down.
“Noooooo,” she repeats.
I smile. “Yes, it’s fake.”
I set her down, handing her a towel to cover herself. She puts it over the front of her, peers down at the floor like she doesn’t quite believe me, and then lets out a long breath. “I’m going to freaking kill him.”
I laugh.
“This is not funny. I about peed myself and had a heart attack all at the same time.” She tucks the towel underneath her arms, fists my shirt, and pulls me closer to rest her head against me. “I’m pretty sure I saw my life flash before my eyes.”