I spent the last hour all but on my knees praying for direction. Taking on the responsibility of four kids didn’t happen overnight. It was gradual, but marrying Shane is a split decision, and saying ‘I do’ terrifies me. The only thing I know with certainty is that losing the kids scares me so much more.
So I’ll do it, even if it means giving up a chance to find real love and a family of my own, at least any time soon.
“What choice do I have? It’s not like I have any other options. You’ve heard what my lawyer said. It’s my best chance. I can’t let Cliff and Joan have even the slightest advantage.”
“But Carter? The man is stoic and growls. He wasn’t known for his sweet and tender side on the field, and off the field, he’s blunt and unsocial. Do you think he’s going to be good for the kids? Plus, you said you’d never even date a football player.”
“Well, things change. He was actually pretty good at helping me with Hank the other night. I think there’s more than meets the eye with him. He’s a foster kid, and I’m sure he didn’t have it easy.” I don’t know if I’m trying to convince Cole or myself that this will all be fine. “I think we could be friends.”
Friends. That’s my new relationship goal. I tug on Cole’s arm, and he stops next to me as my heart starts hammering in my chest.
“I’m running out of time. Ed’s been calling.”
Ed has been my dad’s agent from the beginning. Besides their business relationship, they were also good friends. Since my dad started to decline, he’s been helping look out for us and ensuring things remain private.
“Reporters are asking questions. He thinks someone from the living facility is talking. They want a statement.” It’s always been a risk, but now that Dad is gone, there’s less loyalty, and private information sells.
Cole rubs his temples with his thumb and middle finger. “It’s just going to be so weird having him there today. He’s going to be my brother-in-law. What are you going to tell the kids?”
“I’m going to tell them that I’m getting married. Are you worried about the team getting weird when they find out?”
Cole puts his arm around me as the kids climb in the car. “Nah. If they do, they can deal with it. It’s not like I don’t pull my weight and carry some of theirs.” Cole winks at me. “You know I’ll support you no matter what, right?”
I nod, sucking back my emotions.
“They’re so lucky they’ve got you.” He hugs me. “Plus, those crazies don’t stand a chance against us Matthews. And, well, I guess Carters.”
Cole smiles, and I hug him tight again before climbing in the car, wondering if I’m making a huge mistake. But like I told Hank, I’m not one to play it safe. I got that from my mom, and I made a promise to my dad that I intend to keep.
“Ok, guys,” I say, as the kids are gathered around the kitchen, helping make food for the rest of the day.
Cole is in the corner smashing the burgers. Hank is slicing tomatoes, onions, carrots, and broccoli. Garrett is washing the fruit. Teddy is dumping different types of chips in a bowl and mixing them because that’s how we Matthews do it, and Liv sits next to me on the counter, stirring the brownies.
“Do you guys remember Coach Carter from the party last week?”
Liv sticks her finger in her mouth with a glob of brownie on the end. “Yeah! Shaney. He’s my friend.”
“Right. Shane. Well, he’s coming over to hang out this afternoon.”
The boys, excluding Cole, freeze.
“Why, is he your boyfriend?” Teddy makes kissing noises.
Garrett looks at me across the island with a hesitant smile.
I take a breath, willing my voice to stay confident and peppy. “Actually, I was thinking maybe he could come to live with us and be a part of our family.”
Hank groans, his head tipping up to the ceiling as Cole shoots him a look.
Garrett pushes his glasses up his nose. “Are you saying you’re going to get married?”
“He and I are talking about it. I wanted you guys to meet him and for us to spend the day together. Then we can talk about it. I know this is kind of sudden, but….” I don’t know what else to say as Hank gives me a look, and I know I need to talk with him separately. “Anyway, how does that sound?”
“Can I be your flower girl?” Liv asks. “I want Shaney to live with us. He doesn’t have a mommy either, so you should take care of him too.”
“I bet he would just love that.” I laugh, scooping the batter into a pan and sticking it in the oven.