“I think I made it perfectly clear last night that there’s only one name I’ll be wearing.” Shane tackles my mouth and kisses me until I can’t even remember my name. Apparently, that was an acceptable answer.
Half an hour later, Shane drags himself out of bed and heads for the shower.
“Hurry up. I’m not going to be late for all the pregame stuff. I want to be on the field so he knows we’re there. You have ten minutes, Grizz, or I’m coming in after you.”
He turns around to look at me. “Is that a promise?”
I throw an empty water bottle at him and then hear the shower start. I lay there, unable to believe all that’s happened in the last five months. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be here, but I’m so grateful.
I roll out of bed, standing and testing my ankle. It’s swollen and really stiff and so incredibly sore. I try to roll it, and a stabbing pain makes me suck in a breath. It’ll be interesting, but if need be, Shane will carry me on his back.
I stumble over to my suitcase and dig around to find what I plan to wear. I lay it out on the bed. A shirt that will go under what looks like an old letterman coat with the team's logo, a stocking cap with the mascot, and my leather leggings. Thankfully, I packed my lace-up boots.
“Firefly.” I hear Shane’s warning tone behind me, and I can’t help the smile that creeps across my face. “Don’t even think about wearing those pants.”
“Oh, I’m wearing them.” I hobble over to him, wrapping my arms around his steamy, bare torso and allowing my fingers to run over his abs on their way around his back. “And if you play your cards right, you’ll be the one to take them off this time.”
I pull away before he can respond, heading into the bathroom. I look over my shoulder to see him running a hand over his face.
“You’re going to kill me.”
I laugh, loving him so much I can hardly stand it.
We made it to the stadium in plenty of time to stand on the sideline, hug Mark, and slowly make our way to the box to watch the game. Shane was stopped at least a dozen times and seemed to enjoy catching up with old acquaintances and teammates, who congratulated him on our marriage and helping his team get to the playoffs.
We settle in our box seats in the open air, even though it’s cold, where it feels like we’re more a part of the game. I slide my hand into his. “Do you realize this is only our second date?” He gives me the side eye. “The only other time we were out alone was when we met for dinner to discuss getting married?”
He uses my hand to pull me closer to him. “Best damn decision I ever made.”
I grin. “You had no idea what you were getting into.”
He kisses the top of my head. Sitting with Shane and watching the game is so much fun. I like having him beside me and going back and forth with him about the game. I hope he can attend some of Cole’s games with me and the kids next season.
“This is fun,” I say. “We should do this more often.”
He cocks one eyebrow. “What? Date?”
I tip my head to the side. “Definitely, yes to more dates. Nothing fancy. But it’s fun getting to sit next to you and watch a game rather than watching you pace the sideline. I like having you next to me.” Mark throws a forty-yard pass, and we watch as the crowd erupts. “What are you thinking about next season?”
“I’d like to stay if they want to extend my contract. I’d miss it too much to give it up completely, but I’ve also thought about opening a training gym or program someday. I like working with the college kids. At that point, they either have it or don’t.”
I squeeze his arm. “They’d be crazy not to ask you to stay, but I think you can do anything you want. You’d be great at working with individuals as well. Maybe you could look into that during the off-season.”
“Yeah, Nick asked if I’d help him train and prepare for next season. He could make the draft if he keeps his head on straight.”
We fall silent, watching the game, and I’m excited to see what this next year brings, knowing now that Shane isn’t going to Ohio. I hear some voices behind us and turn to see Danny making his way into the seating area.
“Hey, guys. I was hoping I’d see you here. Maggie, I didn’t catch you before you left. I got tied up with the press.”
I try to smile. I wasn’t expecting to see Danny here, but I remember Mark saying they traded passes. His girlfriend, whom I met briefly during our rehearsals, sits beside him. I was really enjoying my alone time with Shane, but I’ll try to make the best of it.
“Sorry, I was ready to get out of there. My ankle was done.”
“I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but the reviews are raving. I think I may at least get a tour out of this. Are you sure you’re done? It won’t be the same without you.”