Page 86 of I Got You

I put a hand on my forehead. I seriously have to get this under control and fast. We are married, that’s it.

“Are you ready for today, big guy? I hope we have enough food. I put ten on Hank bringing guys home with him when they get back from the game.”

“You think he will? Isn’t the girl next door coming over? He said she’s been helping him with some soccer flip thing.”



Shane’s growly morning voice is sexy as hell and is not helping me want to stay on my side of the bed. “He’s like so many and will only see her after it’s way too late. Besides, I invited her dad.”

Shane’s big head rolls in my direction. “Her dad?”

“Yeah. He’s single, good-looking, and totally helped me out of a bind a time or two.”

He grunts. “Great.”

I peek at him from underneath my hand. “Grizz.”


I snicker.

In the dim light, I can make out his broody, scruffy face, which makes me want to tease him even more. I pull the sheet over my mouth to hide my smile as I roll onto my side to see him better, and he pretends to ignore me.

“You know I’m married, right? I can ask the hot dad from next door over for early Thanksgiving when my husband is here. My younger, much stronger, totally nerdy by nature, big bear of a husband. There’s no mingling going on here.” I try to say it with a straight face, but I’m unsuccessful.

He groans, but I sense he wants to smile too.

“I did, however, ask him in hopes that Simone might be interested because he’s nice and way more interesting than the prick she just broke up with. After Carmen’s wedding, she finally saw the light.”

“Great. You’re matchmaking now?”

I scoff. “No, just putting two people in the same room together. You and I will sit back and see what happens. The man has eyes. Simone is gorgeous, and she needs to stay away from losers.”

Shane yawns. “I’m not watching anything but the game.”

I roll on my stomach and prop myself up on my elbows. “Shane, you’re going to be watching every bit of the shit show that is going to go down today, including the soap opera of Simone and Todd.”

“Todd? He sounds just as boring as the last guy, only not a tool. Let me guess. Is he an accountant?”

I shove him, but he doesn’t move an inch.

“Look. Just put on your happy pants today. I don’t profess to know how to cook a Thanksgiving meal, but somehow, we always manage to eat something. It will be lively and eventful. There will be shenanigans of the best kind, and I will drag your butt through every bit of it. I have no idea what your Thanksgivings have been like, but saddle up and get ready for the ride.”

He sits up and looks at me. “Firefly, you’re ridiculous.”

I grin. “I’ve never pretended to be anything else. Now, get dressed so you can help me figure out what to do with that giant turkey before one of us has to run Hank to the school.”

“Maybe you should call Todd, the hot dad from next door. I bet he’d be happy to run right over and help.”

I whack him with my pillow. “Jealousy is not becoming.”

“I’m not jealous,” he claims, meeting my eyes. “I know exactly where you sleep at night.”

Oh really. The room suddenly feels a thousand degrees hotter and so much smaller. So many thoughts are spinning through my head at lightning speed that have nothing to do with sleeping.

I force myself to look away. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Then, will you please help me with the turkey?”