“At least tell us she’s hot?” I don’t respond, knowing Mark’s only half joking. “Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh man, she’s a smoke show.”
My body temperature rises, wondering what in the hell he’s talking about.
“Sean, Google her, dude.” He pauses, and I know he’s scrolling now. It hadn’t occurred to me to stalk her in return. I put them on speaker so I can see what they’re seeing. “She’s a dancer? Oh, man.”
I’m going to assume that’s a rhetorical question as I start scrolling through old pictures of her and Cole with their dad. Then I land on some of her in New York in costume.
Sean laughs. “No way. It looks like she dated Danny Zebo.”
“Who’s that?” I snap without thinking about my tone.
Sean clearly finds all this amusing. “Man, you seriously live under a rock. He’s like one of the best hip-hop dancers out there. He’s all over social media. I bet there are some of them together. I have to see this.”
“Well, whether this thing is legit or not, you definitely could have done worse. I’d be a happy man sleeping in her bed at night.”
“Mark,” I warn, and he laughs.
“You sure this is strictly business? You sound a little territorial.” He’s laughing, and I wish I could reach through the phone and punch him.
“You know I wouldn’t be getting married otherwise. I can help, and these kids need it.” I suddenly feel like I want to crawl out of my skin. I roll my neck, trying to relieve the building tension.
“Look, I just want you to be happy. You’ve had a rough year. I can’t wait to come out and meet her, so make room. Bye week is all yours this year, buddy,” Mark says.
“Count me in,” Sean agrees.
“Great,” I grumble.
“Come on. We have to see you in husband mode if this is our only chance.” Mark jabs.
I’m done talking about this, so I punch back. “Hey, how’s your shoulder?”
Mark clears his throat. “It’s feeling good. I’m ready to get the season going.”
“It’s completely healed and pain-free?” I try to clarify. “If not, you need to take it easy so you don’t end up like me.”
“It’s good, man,” he insists, with just a hint of bite.
We discuss the upcoming season before we hang up, but I remain on the couch scrolling through pictures of Maggie until I land on one of her next to Danny Z.
It must have been taken at a show opening. Danny’s arm is wrapped tightly around her, holding her close to him. Her hand rests on his chest, eyes bright, and a blinding smile. It’s definitely more than a friendly pose, and I’m surprised to find that I don’t particularly like it, especially his fingers touching a sliver of her bare stomach.
I toss my phone on the couch next to me, trying to get the picture of Mr. Dancing Machine’s fingers on Maggie’s skin out of my head. I’m just marrying her, I remind myself. That’s all this will be…paperwork, but I’m suddenly in a piss poor mood and feel like punching something.
I need to sweat it out, so I head back to the garage and grab some weights. I turn on music and get to work, trying to clear my mind.
I push hard like I’ve always done when things feel offset, needing to get back to unattached and unaffected. But these annoying feelings agitating my usual calm, quiet state, need to take a hike. There’s just the little thing that by the end of the week, that little spitfire is going to be my wife.
Chapter 11
“You’re sure you want to do this? We can leave here right now and figure something else out.” Cole squats in front of me, and he looks so much like Dad it almost brings tears to my eyes.
This isn’t how I’d pictured it. My whole life, I thought about my wedding day being one of the happiest days of my life. It was supposed to be my dad walking me down the aisle toward a man who’d look at me like I was his whole world.
I have neither of those things today, and I feel like some part of me is breaking. I’d accepted long ago that my dreams of being a prima ballerina were over, and it was a difficult loss. It took me a long time to accept that my dancing career was on a different trajectory than I’d imagined, but I’ve found fulfillment in teaching and working with students.
But this, this is different. Saying vows, promising my life to a man, one whom I’m supposed to love, honor, and cherish, forsaking all others…this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.