Page 137 of I Got You

“Fine. Come on, Grizz.”

She links her arms around my neck, and I kiss her softly.

“Come on, you two. The fans are waiting,” Mark hollers. “Don’t forget, Maggie, I need you in my cheering section tomorrow in case anyone tries to heckle me.”

Chapter 56


After an hour of questions about what’s next for me and if I’ll headline a tour with Danny, taking pictures, signing t-shirts and tickets, we finally enter my hotel room. I’m so happy to see the bed, I could cry.

I hop over on one foot, ready to flop down, but I know if I do, I won’t get back up. Shane’s been quiet since we said goodbye to Mark and climbed into the car. I’m not sure what happened in transit, but he’s carried whatever it is into the room with us.

I rummage through my suitcase, finding one of his T-shirts and some boy shorts, and hobble to the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower. Will you please order every item on the menu and have it sent up?”

He stands staring at me. Something is brewing inside him, but I’m kind of out of energy to push it tonight. And if it’s about Ohio, I don’t want to know. Nothing is going to burst my bubble. Not tonight. I’m going to ride this high as long as I can.

I stand under the hottest water I can tolerate, remembering seeing Shane standing there when I walked off stage. I couldn’t believe my eyes. All I wanted was for him to be there, and there he was. Tall, strong, and handsome as ever. My sore and wobbly legs couldn’t carry me to him fast enough.

I force myself out of the shower and wrap a towel around my hair, needing to get ice on my ankle if I have any chance of making it to Mark’s game tomorrow. I smile at the idea of Shane going with me.

I pull his t-shirt over me and brush my hair out quickly, excited to eat until I’m stuffed to the max. I open the door to find Shane pacing along the windows overlooking the city. A bag of ice is on the bed, but I don’t see any food.

He turns, his face pale and stoic. I hop towards the bed, and he comes to help me, settling the ice around my ankle.

“Your feet look terrible. Do you need anything else?”

I smile. “They’ll be ok in a few days.” I search his face, knowing whatever is going on isn’t going to wait. “Hey.” I grab his hand. “Are you ok?”

His mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out. I wait a moment, and there’s a knock at the door. Shane bolts to it, throwing it open and hauling back a cart full of food.

I don’t wait for a plate as I grab and eat while he watches and paces. I eat, trying to ignore what is happening with Shane and giving him time because he obviously needs it.

I smile as he turns and paces again, seeing the ‘M. Carter’ on the back of his shirt. If that isn’t a declaration, I don’t know what is. This man is about to lose his cookies, and part of me wants to laugh, but I hold it in. It’s not funny, but every minute only further confirms that I want every part of him.

I don’t know what happened with Ohio State, but I know he’s here with me. He showed up. He not only showed up, he stood there waiting and literally had me like he said he did.

Now, we have tonight and tomorrow before we head home, that is, if Shane is going with me. The thought that maybe he’s not, and that’s what he’s all worked up about, has me pausing my food binge.

I drop the slice of pizza in my hand and watch Shane, who’s been apparently watching me. Silence. There’s nothing but silence, and this isn’t going to do. Even though I don’t want anything to ruin this night, I have to know what the hell is going on before everything I just shoveled in comes right back out.

Chapter 57


My eyes find Maggie again as she licks her fingers and shoves food into her mouth like she hasn’t eaten in days, which is probably true. I’m like a caged lion pacing with so many things to say and no idea where to start. I grab the ice bucket like it’s a life preserver and step out into the hall to refill it, giving myself a minute to get some balls to tell her what I want to tell her.

My stomach is one big knot clenched as tight as a fist, just like I’m leaving the tunnel for a playoff, but this time, it’s so much worse, and the stakes so much higher. I’m putting everything on the line. Facing my biggest fear. One I’ve carried with me my entire life. The thing I thought I’d never have. I’m betting everything on the hope that Maggie will have me just as I am.

I walk back into the room, and she’s sitting up, waiting for me.

“What the hell is going on? You look pale. You’re pacing. I think you might be sweating. You’re freaking me out.”

I set the bucket down with a thud and start pacing again, giving myself room to spill my guts. “I need to tell you something.” The sound of my pulse fills my ears.

She frowns, gathering herself up. “Ok, but can you stand still because you’re making me dizzy. Is this about the interview? You haven’t told me what happened.”

I shake my head while I inhale, filling my lungs with much needed air. “I didn’t go. I realized something, and that’s why I’m here.” I stop moving, taking a long, slow breath, readying myself to risk my recently revived heart. “I wasn’t being fair to you. You were right.”