A middle-aged man, who I assume is the principal, stands up from a chair he pulled close to the bed. “He’s a brave young man. I’m Craig Johnson, the principal.” He holds out his hand, and I shake it.
“Shane Carter. Thanks so much for riding with him.”
“No problem at all. We tried to get in touch with Maggie, but I’m glad we could get you.”
I nod, looking back at Garrett. “I know she’ll be here as soon as she can.”
“Sure,” Craig says. “The nurse will be back in a few minutes, and she can fill you in on what to expect. I have to get back.” He pats Garrett’s shoulder. “You rest up, kiddo, and I’ll see you back at school. You did a great job today.”
Garrett nods shyly. “Can you make sure Teddy is ok?”
“Of course,” his principal answers and then steps out.
I step closer, putting my hand on Garrett’s leg. “You’re one tough kid, you know that.”
He clears his throat, and his voice sounds breathy. “I knew better than to eat something from someone without checking the ingredients. I’m sorry.”
I signal for him to move over and sit beside him on the bed, putting my arm around him. “It’s ok. We all make mistakes. Sounds like you knew exactly what to do, and you did it. That takes balls, man.”
He smiles, resting his head on my chest, and like a punch to the throat, it hits me that these kids have carved their way into my life. They’re more important than I ever could’ve imagined them becoming.
“Where’s Maggie?” His voice is soft and small.
I wish I knew. “She’ll be here as soon as she can. Should we see what’s on that tiny TV while we wait?” I ask, not really knowing how to make him feel better.
We flip channels looking for the medical shows when the nurse comes in and checks his vitals, letting us know that they plan to monitor him for a little bit longer.
Just as I pick my phone up to try Maggie again, she appears at the door, looking white as a ghost and out of breath.
She moves next to the bed and sweeps Garrett into her arms. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. My phone was on silent.” She pulls back to look at him, holding his face in her hands. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah. I did just like we practiced. I knew better than to eat something when I didn’t know exactly what was in it. I’m sorry.” His voice cracks.
“Oh, baby. You did so good. I’m so proud of you.” She hugs him again and meets my eyes, looking like she might literally fall apart. “The nurse said you stayed calm and did exactly what you were supposed to. Do you have any idea how brave you are? You’re going to make the best doctor someday.”
“You think so,” he squeaks out.
Maggie laughs just a little. “Are you kidding me? Not many kids could handle that like you did. You’re so smart and know how to stay calm under pressure.”
After a bit, she releases him and turns her attention to me. She doesn’t say anything, but I see so much. Her struggle to be brave at this moment and for whatever it is she’s trying to carry alone.
She pushes Garrett’s short hair to the side with her fingers. “Why don’t you try to rest until we can break you out of this joint. Ok?”
He smiles and nods. I stand, giving him some space, as Maggie comes around to my side and launches herself into my arms. She hugs me so tight, and it’s what I’ve needed all day. I need to know that she hasn’t left me yet.
“I’m so sorry.” Her voice cracks, and the anger and frustration I felt earlier dissipate. “I know I was supposed to call you, and then I left the damn thing on silent. I’m sorry.”
She releases me, but her hands slide into mine. Looking up, her blue eyes fill with tears again. “Thank you for being here.”
I look at Garrett, and he’s sleeping. “Scared the absolute shit out of me.”
She laughs, but it’s weak. “Yeah. Tell me about it.” She’s quiet for a minute, studying our joined hands. “I need to talk to you…about this morning and some other stuff.”
“Ok.” I want her to tell me right now, but I know it needs to wait.
She lets her forehead fall onto my chest, and for the first time in days, I feel like she’s coming back to me. Like she might finally be allowing me back in, or maybe she’s going to invite me in for the first time. I’m not sure, but I am sure I want her to. I’m surprised at how much I want that.
Earlier, I was frustrated and angry. I realize now that it wasn’t so much at Maggie, even though she was the target. I just want to know what’s happening inside her head and where she’s been these past few days.