“I have a feeling that there’s no such thing as common ground with you. I’ll be sure to let Shane know you’ve called.”
He sucks air through his teeth. “I can imagine why Shane married you. All that feistiness. At least you’ve got more going for you than money.”
“Do yourself a favor, and don’t call me again,” I say with as much force as I can as my hands begin to tremble with having freaking had enough of everything.
“Honey, we’ll just see about that. We wouldn’t want your squeaky clean husband to have to suddenly start answering questions about where he really comes from.”
“And blackmail is considered a felony,” I bite back. “I’m going to jump out on a limb here and assume you aren’t looking for any legal trouble. Just in case, though, I’ll have my friends at the FBI do a little digging around. Don’t be surprised if they come knocking just as a precaution.”
Threatening Shane turns my fear into anger. I’m pissed. This man should just try me. “Now, stay away from Shane, and don’t ever call me again, or things will get much worse for you than a visit from the feds.”
When he starts to cuss me out, I add. “Oh, one more thing. Don’t be stupid enough to think I’m bluffing. I have far more connections than you could ever imagine.”
I hang up and want to throw my phone out the window and run it over. I want to know how that loser got my phone number and also why Shane wouldn’t tell me he was threatening him.
I set my head on the steering wheel again between my hands, trying to get every cell of my body back under control. I inhale and exhale, reminding myself that Shane and I don’t even really know each other, but here I sit, knowing that I have to tell him about what happened with Cliff and Joan. Shane doesn’t have a reason to tell me anything. He made it clear from the beginning that he was only helping me. He didn’t want a relationship. He doesn’t owe me anything.
I clench my jaw, wanting to scream or hit something or someone. Everything feels like it’s spinning out of control, and I have no idea how to hold it together. All I want to do is shut down and close myself off, but I can’t. I want to be pissed at Shane and go back to when I didn’t care. I don’t want to have to give him the most personal and ugly pieces of myself. I want to keep them safe and hidden, but I can’t. I’m forced to give him more, knowing I will never get anything in return.
I told him I’d call him, but I can’t. I hit the voice command, calling Cole instead.
“Hey, Mags. How did it go?”
“As well as I expected. Ben wants me to hand over the packet.” I can’t hide the quiver in my voice.
He’s quiet for a second before responding. “It’ll be ok. I know you don’t want to do this, but they wouldn’t ask for it if it weren’t necessary.”
“I know.” Everyone has a breaking point, and I’m very close to hitting mine. “I have to tell Shane.”
“I know. I know. I should’ve told him, but Cole, it’s torture…saying it out loud.” Even Cole and I haven’t ever discussed this in detail, nor has he seen the pictures and documents.
“Maggie, no one is going to feel anything other than disgust. For them, not you.”
I snort. “Yeah, if they believe me.”
“No one who matters would ever think that you did anything wrong, and anyone else…who gives a shit what they think. Shane cares about you. He knows you. Maggie, you have to tell him.”
“What about the boys?” I sniff as the dam begins to crumble. “What if I have to tell the boys? How am I going to explain this to them?”
“If it comes to that, we’ll do it together, but hopefully, this will be enough to get them to drop it. I don’t know how it couldn’t be.”
“It’s my word against theirs.” I try to keep more tears from falling, but the burn in my throat is overwhelming. I have to be in class in fifteen minutes, and I can’t be a mess.
Cole sighs. “Yes, but they care a lot more about their reputation and status, and this could destroy them. I hope it does. What they did to you is unforgivable.” I try to pull myself together. “Want me to come over later and talk to Shane with you?”
One corner of my mouth tugs up. “No, but you are the best brother for offering. Just pray that this is enough. Liv can’t go with them.”
“I know it may not seem like it right now, but it’s all going to be ok.”
“You think so?” I ask because, at the moment, nothing feels like it’s going to be ok.
“Yeah. I don’t know how anyone could look at how you provide for the kids, you and Shane, and think there is any place better in the world.”
“Thanks. I’ll let you know how it all goes.”
“I’m here if you need me.”