Page 55 of De Vil

As they walk away, she looks back. "Girls, do some laps then hit the weights. Official practice is over for now."

I feel some kind of dread or something settling in me as I start running. Libby comes up to me andnudges me. "Is it true?"

"What?" I already know what she's asking and I know I'm not going to deny it.

"Do you have an online cam account?"

"Yes." That's all I say as I run harder, trying to get the fifty laps that Coach demands we do every single time we practice. I hate running with a passion.

"Wait, don't run so fast." Libby tries to catch up and I know she won't be able to. I slow my pace down and she finally gets up to speed with me.

"What, Libby?" I don't want anyone to talk to me about this. I already had enough judgment. It would hurt worse if it came from Libby too.

"I don't care if you are Roxy Dragon." She says the name, and I know that Braxton had to be behind this. When I get ahold of her, I'm going to rip her a new one. I really am.

"You don't?" I look at her with my eyebrows furrowed and try to concentrate on making my laps. I've made four around. Forty-six more to go.

"Yeah. So what? I mean my mom was a stripper."

"Really?" I’m surprised. All the girls on the team except me are from money.

"Hell yeah. She stripped for the Gentleman's club that is shut down now. Hell, she used to bring in some of these horrible men, but an older guy came in one day, swooped us up and I've never thought anything of it. Who gives a damn?"

I laugh and stop running. "You know what? Let's go get Braxton. She's the one behind this."

"What are we going to do?"

"I'm going to beat the fuck out of her. What do you think I'm going to do?"

"Won't we get kicked off the team?" Libby plays with her bottom lip and I chuckle.

"I tell you what, you keep running, I'll be back."

Walking off the court, I make my way to the locker room and sure enough, Braxton and her goons are there.

"Hey, Braxton." I say as non-threatening as I can. There's no reason to tip off what I'm about to do.

"What do you want?" She crosses her arms under her chest and I keep an easy smile on my face.

"I want to talk to you. One on one. Why don't you send your friends out onto the court. They could use the practice."

Of course, this pisses them off and they try to come at me. I trip one and push the other one. They both fall into each other. "Run along girls. Braxton and I have some unfinished business."

Once they leave, I lock the door and I stalk Braxton to the far corner of the locker room. "I've had enough of your bullshit, Braxton. You've got some stick up your ass about me and that's fine. But it ends today."

"And how do you plan to do that, slut?"

"Like this." I rear back and punch her in the mouth. Once my fist makes contact, she screams, but I don't stop. Punch after punch lands against her face. I hear her nose break and still I don't stop.

She tries to fight me, but I've got the upper hand this time. There's no way for her to defend herself as she slips to the ground. Once she's there, I stop. I don't keep beating on her. I'm not a savage.

"You will hear from my lawyers." It's a weak ass threat at best.

Bending down, I watch her hold her nose, trying to stop the bleeding. "I'm going to make this clear for you, Braxton. If you so much as try to contact a lawyer, I will let you know exactly how much sway I have. You see, the lies you've told about me. The rumors you've spread, that's all a form of harassment. There's also libel and slander. If you'd like to sue or press charges for me beating your ass, I will counter charge."

As the rage settles in her face, I stand up. "Think about it, Braxton." That's all I say as I walk to the door, unlock it, and look back. "Besides, you actually look better with a little red on your face."

I've had enough of Joanie's bullshit. Although I cannot fire her, I can recommend her be put on suspension and reassigned. There's no way in hell I'm going to let her continue to be my assistant coach after all this bullshit she's pulled.