Page 62 of Craving

Marlon grunted in agreement, which drew Camilla’s gaze. She bumped her shoulder against his, and that was all that was needed for Marlon to know she understood him. Their connection had been forged now, and all it took was a look, a touch, a word, and he felt like she could see straight through to his soul. He’d found a home too. Even though he’d been living in that house all along, it took Camilla’s arrival to bring it back to life.

Then his phone rang.

At the exact same time, Camilla’s phone began to buzz.

They pulled apart and took out their devices, frowning at the screens.

“It’s the bakery,” Camilla said, then answered the call.

“Hello?” Marlon said into his own device.

“Boss,” Elton said. “Something’s going down at The Sweetest Thing. Cops are on the way and I’m watching the cameras. Single guy on his own. He’s looking for something, but he hasn’t found it yet. I didn’t see a vehicle, but he could have parked it out of range of our cameras.”

“I’m on my way.” He was up and out of his chair in an instant, scanning the festival for Cormac. Not seeing his partner, Marlon turned back to Camilla, who was white-faced and wide-eyed.

She hung up. “The police just called. They said the alarm at my bakery went off.”

“I just heard from Elton,” Marlon confirmed with a nod. He put his hands on her shoulders. “I need you to stay here while I figure out what’s going on.”

She reared back. “What? No. I’m not just going to sit on my hands while you go save the day!”

His stomach clenched. The thought of Camilla anywhere near someone who might be dangerous made him want to crush the phone in his hand into a ball of mangled electronic components. But her mouth was set in a grim line, and Marlon had to admit that it was her business, and she had a right to be involved.

“Fine,” he said. “But you have to stay in the car until I know it’s safe.”

She nodded. “That’s reasonable.”

“What’s going on?” Leo asked, standing. The rest of the group was looking at them, gazes drawn.

“Is it the same people who broke in last time?” Amelia asked. “The people who broke your window too?”

“I don’t know,” Camilla answered, looking troubled. “We need to go.”

Marlon agreed. He put his hand on Camilla’s back and led her through the throngs of happy festivalgoers. The weather was cold, so everyone was bundled in warm clothing, with only ruddy cheeks and noses visible under hats and over high collars.

It made the back of Marlon’s neck itch. Every turned head looked like someone trying to avert their face from his gaze. Every hat and big jacket looked suspicious. The normal sounds of people talking and laughing, music…it all set his teeth on edge. Someone was trying to hurt Camilla, and he had no idea who.

He’d been sitting there, happy as a fool, and someone had broken into her business. It made him want to scream.

They made it to his car, and he bundled Camilla into the front seat, scanning the area. No one stuck out to him, but the back of his neck prickled. Was he being watched?

“Can you think of anyone who might want to hurt your business?” Marlon asked in the tense silence that filled the car.

They hit a red light, and he took the opportunity to glance at Camilla. Her hands were clenched and her jaw was tight. She didn’t answer for a long, long moment.

“Not really,” she finally said.

He frowned. “Not really? What does that mean?”

“The light’s green.”

Marlon ground his teeth, driving onward. He wanted to shake her until answers fell out. Was there someone who would want to hurt her business?

“You should have access to the cameras on the app I set up for you,” he said, willing his voice to hide the tension stealing over his body. “Look over the recording and tell me if you recognize the guy.”

Camilla shuffled and from the corner of his eyes, Marlon saw her open the video. She let out a pained noise.
