Page 50 of Craving

She’d made a stupid mistake with the loan, but she was nearly free of it. She was so close.

Giving her heart to Marlon was too big a risk. It was like signing up for another high-interest debt right after she’d cleared the last one. She couldn’t do it.

She clung to their silly house rule with a white-knuckled grip, half out of desperation, and half out of desire, and she slept alone, telling herself that oral sex wasn’t sex, and over-the-clothes dry humping wasn’t sex, and having him orgasm all over her stomach wasn’t sex either. If they hadn’t had sex, she could still claim to be making good decisions.

At least within the confines of her delusional mind.

Her ringing phone woke her at half past three in the morning. Pawing at her nightstand, Camilla found the device and squinted at its bright screen.


“Camilla, you’d better come,” Daniel said, sounding grave.

Camilla was suddenly wide awake. “What’s wrong?” She sat up and flipped the covers off, tucking her phone between her shoulder and her ear. She turned on the lights and squinted at the room. “Are you at the bakery?”

“Someone broke in. I’ve just called the cops. Your office is trashed.”

“What?” She stood still in the center of her room just in time to see her bedroom door open. Marlon stood in the entrance, wearing his usual pajama pants and no shirt. She startled at the sight, her mind spinning out.

So he’d been putting the tee on for her benefit in the mornings. If she slept beside him, all that bare skin would be hers to enjoy.

Camilla averted her gaze from his beautiful chest and tried to keep her panic at bay. She grabbed the nearest pair of jeans and tried to hop into them, putting her phone on speaker at the same time. “Are you still there, Danny? Wait outside until the cops get there.”

Marlon went solid in the doorway. His face was a mask of tension, his eyes so intent on her phone’s screen that it looked like he was trying to shoot lasers out of his eyeballs.

“It’s fine. I’ve checked the building. There’s no one here. I’m sorry to wake you in the middle of the night, Camilla. I just thought you should know.”

“Of course. I’m glad you called. I’m on my way.”

She hung up the phone and buttoned her jeans, then cast about the room for a top. She wore her nightie and was too panicked to take it off to get dressed properly. She threw a sweater on and turned to leave the room, but Marlon was still standing in her way.

Blinking at him, she gestured at the hallway beyond. “I have to go.”

Big hands landed on her shoulders. Marlon stared into her eyes as his jaw hardened. “You’re not going anywhere without me.”

Protests crowded up her throat, but one look at Marlon’s face told her they’d fall on deaf ears. She gave him a curt nod. “I’ll wait by the front door.”

“Do not leave without me.”

An impatient huff was the only response he deserved, and it was the only response he got.

His hands were still on her shoulders. He squeezed gently. “Everything will be okay,” he assured her softly.

Maybe it was the tone of his voice that made her eyes water. Maybe it was the panic of the unknown. Maybe it was the warmth of his hands and the heat pouring off his bare chest when her entire body felt ice-cold.

Whatever it was, his quiet assurance nearly undid her. She wanted to crumple like an old piece of tinfoil and let him smooth her out again. She wanted him to coax her back to life and stand by her side until everything was okay.

But how could she trust him to take care of her when she’d never had anyone do it before? How could she lean on him when he could leave her out in the cold like everyone else did?

The only reason she’d gotten to where she was was because of her grit, her determination, and her independence. Within weeks, she’d be free of her past mistakes. She was at the finish line. It was right there.

Marlon just watched her, concern and comfort radiating off him like heat waves rising from sunbaked asphalt.

Gulping her fears away, Camilla nodded. “Okay.”

He brushed his lips to her forehead, then stalked down the hall to his room. A few minutes later, they were both shoving beanies onto their heads and bracing themselves against the cold. Marlon ushered her to the passenger seat of his car and jogged around to take the wheel.

The bakery was lit up when they arrived. A police cruiser was parked along the curb, and Camilla could see two officers talking to Daniel inside. She hurried to the door, but Marlon got there first. He held it open for her, his presence a solid wall beside her.