Page 47 of Craving

“I bet Marlon agrees as well.” Amelia’s eyes glimmered. “And don’t think I’m going to get distracted away from that topic. Scarlett and Lucy are on the way over, and you’re going to start from the beginning to catch me up. I can’t believe you didn’t call me the first time you kissed him!”

Camilla’s face grew hot. “You were on your honeymoon. I wasn’t going to bother you with trivialities.”

“Kissing my brother-in-law is not trivial, Camilla.”

Neither was mutual masturbation, but Camilla wasn’t going to mention that detail right now.

She took a sip of her drink. “You’re not mad, are you?”

Amelia snorted. “Are you kidding? We could be sisters!”

“Okay, although I love that thought, I feel the need to point out that Marlon and I aren’t serious. We just fooled around a bit, that’s all.” But why did that feel like such a lie when it crossed her lips?

Amelia’s arched brow disagreed. “Mm-hmm,” she hummed, skeptical. “And you’re now the type that just ‘fools around,’ are you? How long have I known you?”

Camilla huffed. “Okay. So, there’s something there. But I’m busy! He’s busy! And he opened his house to me for free. I can’t mess that up.”

The door opened behind Amelia, and their two other friends breezed in. Scarlett, brown hair tumbling out of her black beanie, ran over and threw her arms around Amelia’s shoulders. “I missed you!”

Lucy hugged her from the other side. “Tell us everything!”

“It was great, we’re married, we had lots of hot sex and romantic walks on the beach. Now let’s talk about Camilla and Marlon.”

Three sets of eyes turned toward Camilla, who scowled. “There’s nothing to tell.”

Scarlett narrowed her eyes, scanning Camilla’s face. She licked the tip of her finger and stuck it in the air. “There’s been a development. My orgasm radar is pinging like crazy.”

Amelia giggled. “Maybe I’m throwing off your readings.”

“Girl, your orgasms are old news. They don’t even cause a blip anymore.”

Amelia laughed harder, then nodded at Camilla. “So. Spill.”

There was no way Camilla was telling her friends about what had happened last night. It was too dirty and too personal. But the ladies were bloodthirsty, so she had to give them something. In a low voice, she admitted, “I like him, okay?”

Hoots echoed around the space, and the patrons in the corner of the bakery glanced over. Camilla hushed her friends, scowling. “Listen, it’s nothing, all right? We’re just…flirting a bit. I’m helping him redecorate his house.”

“I need to find a man to redecorate with me,” Scarlett interjected, and it didn’t sound like she was talking about her living room.

Camilla’s lips twitched despite herself. She huffed and shook her head. “Fine. It’s not nothing. I like him a lot. But I have to deal with all this stuff going on at the bakery, and I don’t have time for anything serious. I’ve got enough on my plate already. We just live together and it’s…convenient.”

Another lie. She scowled at herself.

Lucy tilted her head. “What makes you think it’s just convenience?”

“Well, the whole sex-free house rule, for one,” Camilla started. “How do I know we’re not just hot for each other because it feels like we’re not supposed to be? Forbidden fruit and whatnot.”

“Hold up.” Amelia lifted her hands. “What’s this about a sex-free house rule?”

Camilla knew her face was bright red, but she chose to ignore it. She explained what had transpired on the first night at Marlon’s house, and Amelia nearly fell out of her chair from laughing so hard.

“You know what? Forget I said anything,” Camilla grumped. “You’re no help at all.”

“No, wait. Wait.” Amelia grabbed Camilla’s hand as she got up to clear their table of cups and dishes. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t sound very sorry.”

Amelia’s laugh was once again nothing more than an evil cackle. “What are you going to do for his birthday? Ceremonially break your house rule? Greet him at the door in skimpy lingerie and pretend it was just convenient to be dressed that way?”