Page 38 of Craving

When she pushed the back door of her bakery open, the scent of fresh bread and sugar soothed her fraying nerves. She inhaled deeply and unzipped her jacket, then frowned when she heard a familiar voice.

“It’s fixed now?” Marlon asked.

“Seems to be. It was the weirdest thing. The technician said it was to do with the exhaust fan. It wasn’t turning properly, and the oven overheated and shorted out.” Daniel had his hands on his hips as they both stared at the big stainless-steel monster against the wall. “Never seen it happen before, and I’ve been working with these machines for years.”

“What are you doing here?” Camilla blurted.

Marlon glanced over, his features softening. “Hey. I was driving by.”

That wasn’t an answer, but Camilla’s body had turned hot and melty at the look on Marlon’s face, so she couldn’t quite work up the outrage required to challenge him on it. “Oh. Daniel, is the oven okay?”

“Working like a dream,” the baker said, patting the side panel. “I’m heading out. You need me to do anything before I go?”

Camilla shook her head. Daniel nodded to Marlon, then grabbed his jacket from the staff area, said a final goodbye, and slipped out the door. The daytime baker was busy on the other side of the kitchen, shifting a tray from the oven to a cooling rack.

“You’re not supposed to be back here,” Camilla told Marlon. She grabbed her apron from a hook on the wall and gave him a sideways glance.

Marlon leaned against one of their work surfaces. He was dressed in all black, his cheeks rosy from either the cold outside or the warmth in the bakery. He watched her with glimmering hazel eyes like he was wondering whether he could pounce on her from the distance that separated them. “I asked Daniel about the oven, and he offered to show me.”

“Sounds like I need to have a talk with him tomorrow about letting customers into the kitchen.”

Marlon’s lips kicked. He stalked around the marble surface between them, and Camilla had the ridiculous urge to circle around so he couldn’t catch her. But she stood her ground and lifted her chin, and Marlon came to a stop in front of her. Their toes nearly touched.

She glanced across the kitchen, but her last baker had disappeared through the door to the dining room.

“You left early this morning,” Marlon said, his voice deep and rumbly.

Camilla fiddled with the strings of her apron, tying and retying the knot in front of her. “Yes, well, I had things to do here before we opened.”

“You sure you weren’t avoiding me?”

She forced herself to give him a flat stare. “Why do you assume my life has anything to do with you? Arrogant, much?”

He moved closer, crowding her against one of the refrigerators. “If you regret what we did last night, you should let me know.”

“So that’s why you were ‘driving by,’ was it?” She popped a brow.

Marlon placed his palm above her head so he leaned over her. “Among other reasons.”

“Hey, Camilla, can I—oh! Sorry!” Emily flailed and backed into the dining room door, smacking her arm on the doorframe. She yelped and stumbled backward. Ben’s head popped above her shoulder, curious about the noise. Then the third employee appeared above Ben’s head.

Camilla slipped under Marlon’s arm and went to Emily, who had ducked back into the dining room with everyone else. “Are you okay?”

“Oh my God,” Emily hissed. “You were totally going to make out with him! What’s he even doing here?”

“Good question,” Camilla grumbled as Marlon slipped back out to the dining room. He had a grin on his lips and a gleam in his eyes. He gave her a little two-finger wave and stalked out the door.

“Are you boning him?” Emily screeched so loud heads turned in their direction. Then she pumped her fist in the air. “Go, Camilla!”

“I’m not boning anyone,” Camilla hissed, then ducked back into the kitchen.

“Wait! Can I take my break now?” Emily asked, following.

“Sure. No problem. Get Ben to watch the counter for a few minutes.” Camilla escaped into the office and locked herself inside. She leaned against the door and let out a shuddering breath. Her cheeks smarted and her body felt hot. The space between her legs pulsed with every heartbeat.

Marlon had done that with a few words and a heated look.

She was in so much trouble.