Page 10 of Alien Legacy

He hissed, grabbed her ass, and lifted her to the nearby wall.

She wrapped her muscular legs around his waist.

Yesss… now he could stroke his engorged cock at the tender juncture between her thighs. He rotated his hips deeper into her.

Her sharp fingers dug into the back of his neck.

Fuck yeah, like that… A whisper of tentative feminine psychic fingers probed his mind. Before he could react, the sensation evaporated. He strained to recapture the feeling, but for the first time in his life, he couldn’t psychically connect with a person he touched.

What a tantalizing idea, not having to guard his thoughts all the time when he was with another. His fangs lengthened, ready to return the favor.

After another heady draw, the woman licked his neck, sliding her fangs out. Drawing back, she glanced at him with her dilated exotic, dual-colored eyes. A thin trail of blood seeped out of the corner of her mouth. Her pink tongue captured the moisture with a flick.

The overriding need for this woman shocked him. With eyes closed, he grappled at the dangerous hunger consuming him. As he struggled to get a handle on his urges, another surprise snuck in. The consistent compulsion to consume blood had lessened. His eyes popped open. The fierce need that had escalated over the last several decades was missing. The clamor to indulge in mindless bloodlust was once again at a manageable level.

Lately, it had gotten so bad he was leery of going out in public without one of his brothers. He licked his lips. The only blood he craved now was this female’s. He had to have her, and not just for blood. He needed to make her his in every way while at the same time he’d submit all he was to her. And never let go.

The captivating creature unwrapped her legs and slid down his hard torso. He groaned when her movements rubbed against his swollen dick. He let go and clenched his hands to stop from grabbing her.

She tilted her head with a narrow glare. Her brows furrowed, and she frowned as if trying to read him. “You will follow me without making a sound.” With that warning, she picked up a bundle of black cloth and the crossbow next to her feet. With her back turned to him, she headed out of the dingy alleyway.

His eyebrows rose. Did she think he would blindly obey her? Ah, she believed he was under her enthrallment. Now that was something to take advantage of. He struggled to keep a smirk off his face. Maybe she was leading him to her boudoir, where they could indulge in a myriad of hedonistic pleasures. His breath became short as his cock twitched in agreement. Thank the Goddess his inability to move when they first touched had faded. In its place was a steady desire for her that settled deep inside.

The farther they traveled from the populated area of Azadi, the more Zamush frowned. He doubted she lived in a cave away from the city. But that’s where they seemed to be heading. When she stopped at a craggy cave opening, his suspicions were confirmed. Damn thing barely had enough room for him to pass through without ducking. Entering the blackness of the tunnel, he appreciated having no trouble seeing in the dark. It seemed walking around without light wasn’t a hindrance for her, either.

His nose twitched at the conflicting scents he picked up. He attempted to ignore the woman’s alluring fragrance so he could distinguish what he might walk into. The ever-present smell of dirt and rocks, with a tinge of recycled air, was foremost. Hey, he never expected that underlying scent. It was as if he’d walked into an airplane hangar back on Earth. He detected several metals, sour plastic, plus an unusual combination that made him think of fuel propulsion.

He squinted as the inky blackness became lighter. Up ahead was another entrance. Instead of a natural doorway, its jagged, narrow edges looked like sledgehammers were used to force an opening—as if a giant pushed the steel doors aside. There was just enough room for him and the woman to turn sideways to pass through.

“You will stay with me and not utter a word.” She hissed the command over her shoulder.

“Holy shit, she did it! Hey Katsuki, Abiditan, come here. You’ve got to see this.”

Zamush’s eyes widened as a never-seen-before alien sauntered around what could only be a large spaceship. The eggplant-purple guy with a set of curling black horns wasn’t like anyone he’d ever seen before. And what in the hell was draped down his back? The end of the smooth aberration swished with some sort of tool clutched at the end. An extra limb?

The male’s dark skin glistened in the dim light. He wore only a set of tight-fitting black shorts that reached his knees, leaving his calves and two-toed feet bare. Wide suspenders looped over his boulder shoulders. His shaggy black hair with purple highlights hung at the sides of his head, reaching the tip of his shoulders.

His black lips quirked. Bright-red irises floated in a sea of black with matching horizontal pupils like a goat. With his hands fisted on his trim hips, he laughed, mouth wide-open, displaying double-rowed upper and lower fangs.

The hatch to the ship dissolved open and two more eclectic folks stood at the opening. One was a male who had to be an Akurn. Except for his eyes. Instead of the normal range of blue-green, his were different colors. The left eye was an iridescent gray while the right was a stunning, deep turquoise. Another thing different was what he wore. No typical tunic and pantaloons like most Akurns favored. This guy sported a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt. On his feet were a sturdy pair of Eddie Bauer boots.

The man frowned, and his alabaster features flushed a strange shade of brick red.

Mad or irritated? Hard to tell.

The female next to him was a bizarre contrast. Her vivid, bright-yellow skin tone reminded him of a highlighter pen. Her pupilless eyes were a stunning shade of teal, framed by a luscious set of thick, chocolate-brown lashes that matched the silk curtain of her hair draped behind her firm shoulders.

She wore a sleek indigo vest with a deep v-line that emphasized her high, lush breasts. Over the vest was a jacket that had to be tailor-made. It was in the same deep color as the vest and longer in the back. It had vents on either side, with a simple breast pocket left empty. Over her long legs, her pants were the same rich hue, formfitting and tucked into black knee-high boots with sensible, staunch heels.

Normally, Zamush would’ve targeted that gorgeous specimen for personal pursuits. But with one quick glance at his “kidnapper”, he nixed that idea. His rigid stance relaxed. Finding her was something he never knew was missing. Gazing at her firm ass showcased in the skintight catsuit, he licked his lips. He couldn’t wait for the chance to know her better.

“Where in the hell did you find him?” This from the Akurn male.

”Who is he?” The yellow beauty spoke at the same time.

“This—” She grabbed his upper arm and pulled him next to her. ”—is my ticket to go with you.” Her elegant hand swept over him as if she were Vanna White, illustrating a prize on a game show. “I’m pretty sure he’s one of Princess Inanna’s sons from Earth.”

Zamush clamped his mouth shut. How the hell did she know that? Could she read him when she took his blood? He stiffened. Shit, just how much did she know about him while he knew next to nothing about her?