Page 58 of Alien Legacy

As the young man withdrew his finger, he suckled the softening penis.

Murduk peered at Uruk with heavy-lidded eyes. “What is it?”

“Erset La Tari has been breached, and all the prisoners have escaped!” Uruk swallowed hard. His eyes were so wide, the white around his light turquoise irises showed.

Murduk froze. “What did you just say?”

Those around him scattered at his toneless whisper.

Uruk trembled. He bowed with both hands across his chest, keeping his gaze on the floor at Murduk’s bare feet. “I am sorry to report, master, the WOTA have attacked the imperial prison and released all the prisoners.” He dropped to his knees with his forehead on the ground. His arms stretched on the sticky floor over his head. “Sychar was among those who have escaped.” His lanky frame shuddered.

Murduk’s softened dick hung free. He towered over his most-trusted guard with fists on his hips.

Bur-Suen and those around him had long since vanished.

“How did this happen? No, wait.” Murduk crossed his arms and glared at his man. “Get the fuck up. I demand a full report now!”

Uruk scrambled up with his eyes downcast and his hands clasped in front of himself. “Anbu is here, sire, to tell us what happened.” The man tapped his communicator embedded in his ear and spoke. “Bring him in.”

Two burly guards dragged in Anbu, the captain of his guards.

A deep gash on the side of his forehead had blood and sweat rolling down the side of his face to mingle with two strange puncture wounds at his neck. The skin around the wounds pebbled with dried blood.

A red tint clouded Murduk’s vision. “You worthless piece of yetu. How dare you let this happen!” With a guttural roar, he grabbed the captain’s knife held from the scabbard at his waist and slit the man’s throat.

The shocked expression on Anbu’s face froze as his head tilted back.

Murduk sliced it so hard the bones in the captain’s throat were exposed. How dare the sahu come before him with such failure? With an angry snarl, he threw the knife away and addressed the man holding the dead corpse of his captain.

“You.” He pointed to the guard on his right. “You’re now the new captain of the Royal guards. What’s your name?”

The man let go of Anbu’s body to cross both arms over his chest with a slight bow. “I am Ur-Zababa, sire. Forever at your service.” Without missing a beat, he turned to the other guard and uttered his first command. “Take this piece of filth out of here and throw him away with the rest of the trash.”

Murduk’s chest puffed. He’d chosen the right man.

“Sire, those who have taken Sychar have escaped in an unknown type of spaceship.”

His unwavering regard increased Murduk’s confidence.

“Never fear liege, we have an inside source that has proven to be reliable. Not only will the WOTA leader be back within your grasp, we will also get the other commanders of that traitorous organization. We will then squash the rebellion.”

Without taking his eyes off the new captain, Murduk pulled up the pants Uruk handed him. There wasn’t any way this underling had that type of information. He might’ve been hasty in eliminating Anbu, who had to have set up the double agent in the WOTA. No matter. As long as this Ur-Zababa proved useful, he’d let him remain in charge.

“That’s well and good. But until we capture these traitors, I’m declaring martial law. Uruk, set up a worldwide vid conference. Curfew starts immediately. I give you the authority to release the Air League to enforce this.” He regarded his new captain. “You will report to Uruk.” He nodded to his trusted aide next to him.

Uruk narrowed his eyes at the new captain, who gave a small bow of respect.

“Uruk, contact Kud at FarDeep Base. Inform him he needs to ready his troops as soon as we’re in transportation range.” Strategies had to be planned and implemented without delay. “It’s been too long since we’ve heard from him, and I have to know the status of Earth’s vulnerability. Now is the time to take what we need from there before those WOTA assholes stop us.” It was imperative his secret of him not being King Du-Uru’s son never become known.

He leered at the young captain. “Know this, Ur-Zababa. Your top priority is to find and restrain Sychar, along with his traitorous compatriots. I don’t need to remind you what happened to the last man who disappointed me, now do I?”


The flight back to Esharra was uneventful.

After Qhasheik landed the Nergal in a vacant field near the estate, Zamush and the others went through the ship’s Transkip to enter the estate’s receiving chamber.

Asu refused to relinquish his hold on the still-unconscious Sychar. No one objected.