Page 52 of Alien Legacy

The force field went down as planned, but the explosives from the other team didn’t go when they should have.

Her group waited as long as they dared before insisting Jelena work her ice magic on the graphene wall. Freezing a small section took a lot more from her than expected. By the time a small hole was big enough for their little group to squirm through, she was almost comatose with fatigue.

Without a word, Zamush offered her his wrist.

Before her fangs punctured his skin, a sense of energy from him gave her the strength she needed to take his blood. After a couple of swallows, she felt like herself again. When she finished, she licked the wound closed and snuck a peek at him. For the first time since she’d met him, his narrow gaze had a hint of cool assessment. She murmured her thanks, reluctant to break his attention, until Katsuki admonished them to catch up.

Bringing up the rear, she followed Zamush as they crisscrossed through the eclectic group of two-and-three-story buildings. By the time they reached the ten-foot tower in the middle of the compound, Shther’s clawed grip on her shoulder dug deep.

Abiditan told them that the WOTA had discovered Sychar wasn’t in the tower, but was in an underground bunker beneath it.

Hiding behind a building kitty-corner from the tower’s entrance, she waited with the rest of the team as Abiditan sent out a small hand-held drone.

He analyzed the information the drone sent through his ocular implant. Within moments he announced, “It’s clear.”

“Shouldn’t we wait until…” Katsuki started before an earth-shattering blast made them duck.

“Never mind,” the Naraka mumbled after several explosions boomed, one after another.

Ask Abiditan if we’re still clear, BoD urged. And see if there aren’t any guards around.

She agreed with her crossbow companion.

The loud diversion on the other side of the compound should’ve attracted most of the sentinels.

But she couldn’t believe they’d leave Sychar unguarded. “Are we still clear? Aren’t there any guards around?”

Abiditan turned to the group. His left eye displayed the running matrix code in slight white lines as they intersected the gray. Still attached to the drone, he blinked before he answered. “It seems they’re all gone. No time to argue. Let’s go.”

Well, that’s stupid.

Her sinking stomach agreed with BoD. “Maybe you should send the drone out one more time just to make sure.”

“We don’t have time for this.” Katsuki slunk around Abiditan and headed to the tower’s entrance.

Without a word, Abiditan followed her.

With her hands on her hips, Jelena glared at Qhasheik.

He shrugged and followed his pod.

Asu slunk behind him, leaving her alone with her nemesis.

“I doubt we’ll be of any use here.” Zamush disappeared and reappeared next to the entrance before the others.

“Goddessdamned show-off.”

Well… Ilu. BoD cussed. I’ll do my best to keep an eye out. But I’ve got to tell you, something isn’t right. This has all the makings of a trap.

How’s that possible? No one knows we’re here. Another loud, earth-shattering blast made Jelena crouch. Well, shit. With a sigh, she rushed to join the small group standing flush against the entrance of the tower.

“Stand back, my turn.” Qhasheik nudged his way to the front of the solid-steel door.

On the surface, there wasn’t any visible way of opening it.

With his massive curling horn in the way, he placed the side of his head as close as he could to the door. He hummed low with his eyes closed. Putting his palms on the steel, he hummed louder. “Yeah, gotcha.” Slowly, he pulled his hands back before he pounded them on the surface.

Jelena held her breath as the metal door quivered.