Page 43 of Alien Legacy

Putting an arm over her eyes, she exhaled and relaxed. It wasn’t just the stress of trying to find the best way to rescue Sychar, it was sitting next to that damn annoying Zamush for hours.

It has possibilities.

Jelena threw her arm off her eyes and thumped it on the bed. She glared at the crossbow. “Possibilities? That all you’ve got?”

As with any convoluted plan, there are always unforeseen variables. However, even though I hate to admit this, your talents, combined with Zamush’s, increase the probability of success.

The meeting had ended with everyone agreeing that the entire forces of WOTA would free the priestesses and the other prisoners at Erset La Tari. Jelena and her four companions would free Sychar.

The mere idea of meeting Sychar for the very first time as one of his rescuers made her stomach tense. That’s when he’d take was one look at her and know they were meant for each other.

There is a part of the plan that I’m confused about. BoD interrupted her daydream. How will the five of you get through the guards on the way to Sychar’s cell? I believe they will outnumber you at least three to one.

She hated to admit it, but she was muddy about that part of the plan as well.

Qhasheik and Zamush had huddled together as she, Katsuki, and Abiditan watched. From what she understood, they would just walk in, go to Sychar’s cell, Zamush would teleport in and then bring Sychar out. After that, they’d leisurely stroll back to the Nergal without a care in the world because all the guards would miraculously disappear.

Of course, that was oversimplifying.

All she had to do was shoot, freeze, or enthrall any guards she encountered. Didn’t sound like any effort at all.


“Well, according to Zamush and Qhasheik, the diversion WOTA creates on the other side of the prison will draw some guards away from Sychar. They’re convinced the five of us won’t have any trouble sneaking in and taking care of who’s left.”

Wished she was as convinced as they were. Either way, the only thing she cared about was getting to Sychar before it was too late. She sucked in a breath. She couldn’t imagine the cruelties he’d endured under the sadistic Akurn guards. If only she could check on him, to see if he was all right...

Wait. What about that dream thingy Zamush did? If he thought she could teleport, it was reasonable to think she could meet Sychar in a dream like she did with Zamush. Nothing dangerous about that. Not only would she’d see if Sychar was okay, but she’d let him know they were on their way to rescue him. Oh yeah, then she’d stand out to him when they met in the real world.

She giggled. Oh my Goddess, this was the answer to everything! How hard could it be to dream about the man she loved?

What do you have to giggle about? BoD interrupted. Are you becoming mentally deficient?

“No. Hush. I’m going to take a nap, so be quiet.”

Hmm. I will keep alert as you sleep.

Jelena closed her eyes and twined her fingers over her flat stomach. Keeping a mental picture of Sychar firmly in her mind, she drifted off.

A gentle heat wrapped around Jelena. Not burning, just toasty, comfortable, as if she’d fallen asleep in a soothing Jacuzzi. She floated in peace. A cloud of exotic spice added to the contentment. Squirming, she nestled closer to the welcoming coziness, rubbing her nose against a snug, solid chest.

With her eyes closed, she explored the unfamiliar masculine domain. Her fingers encountered a heart beating under the firm, muscular wall in a rhythm that matched her own. With an indrawn breath, she caressed the hills and gullies of a male’s firm pecs.

Without thinking, she twined her leg between his slightly furred brawny thighs. Reaching up, she grasped sturdy shoulders and hummed her pleasure. Happiness infused every part of her. She was in the right place. Even the unrelenting agitation she’d carried for so long calmed.

She licked her lips. A scorching need started low in her sex, impossible to ignore. Letting her tongue taste the powerful throb at the base of his neck, she suckled with a quick nip.

He tensed beneath her touch as smooth slickness bloomed across his skin. Each heavy breath rubbed his sleek chest against hers, urging her nipples to harden.

Encouraged, she brazenly explored the unknown territory. She’d never been intimate with a man before. It was a shock when she became dizzy with pleasure. Eager for more, she lowered her lips to his hard jaw, peppering the scruffy area with kisses.

A heady masculine moan rumbled as his lips slanted over hers.

She didn’t hold back the demand to taste him, to revel in all he was. An uncontrollable hunger erased her tentative hesitation, threatening to stop her. Seeking unknown fulfillment raced through every nerve ending as she searched for an elusive prize.

Her lips parted, inviting his tongue to lick against hers. A profound moan from deep inside her broke free. She gripped his shoulders in a desperate attempt at stability. His taste was dangerous, an impossible sensory temptation. She arched to him as his big hand glided over her ultrasensitive nipples, stroking her past reason.

With slow deliberation, he rolled her onto her back as his lips traveled over one of her exposed breasts, kneading it past reason.