Page 39 of Alien Legacy

Uh, oh. Looked like Daddy Abiditan wouldn’t get off that easily.

Good thing Abiditan was right about his family accepting them. Jelena smiled at the way he and his brother kept their arms around each other’s shoulders as they walked out of the Transkip room into a hallway with a massive high ceiling. She followed Katsuki and Qhasheik, with Zamush striding next to them, his hands clasped behind his back.

Katsuki had the Nutesh snare and rattled it under Qhasheik’s nose as if she was threatening him.

He yanked the collar from her and grabbed her behind the neck for a quick kiss, his footsteps never faltering.

Katsuki’s brilliant-yellow face blushed to a dark marigold as she snuggled under his shoulder. The stiff tension they carried loosened.

Jelena’s attention strayed to Zamush. She cocked her head as she contemplated him.

He was a commanding figure, yet seemed to blend into the background, not doing anything to draw attention to himself.

Except for the sensual way he walked… yum-azing.

His long strides made the leather coat billow under the hands he clenched behind his back. The shoulder-length black hair brushed the tops of his shoulders with each movement.

She doubted he was as laid-back as he appeared. She huffed and crossed her arms. Why did she keep thinking about him? She gave a slight cough and glanced around to make sure no one saw her ogling Zamush.

Her face heated as she relived their kiss in that dream. She may not be experienced in the art of kissing, but when his lips covered hers, Jelena became lost in a sea of raging emotions. Her nipples hardened and her blood pumped, a furious rush sliced through her. She sucked back a moan. Her clit throbbed and swelled painfully between her legs.

What are you doing? BoD’s exasperated tone jerked her out of her musings. Why is your heart racing and your temperature high? Are you coming down with something?

I’m fine. Just nervous about being surrounded by a bunch of Akurns. The lie tasted sour. No way would she admit what really caused her reaction. She slid another glimpse at Zamush’s broad backside. She’d better get her head in the game. Nothing was more important than rescuing Sychar. Do you sense anything unusual? Or is everybody as relaxed as they seem to be?

BoD didn’t answer right away. When he did, his words were careful. No, nothing unusual. Everyone’s emotions are happy and relaxed as they appear. Which makes me not trust them.

Jelena chuckled. You don’t trust anybody.

Not true. I trust you.

Ah, the old softy.

“Bairam, have refreshments brought in.” Warad-Mushtal commanded a guard next to him with a wave of his hand as he led them into a lavish parlor.

Walking through the wide-arched doorway, Jelena wasn’t surprised at the decadent luxury straight out of an old-Earth fairy tale MoMo used to read her.

The oval room boasted a high ceiling with a mural of colorful figures in various details. Some were in battle, men atop roaring manticores, some on foot with deadly spears and blue tips. Other scenes boasted lavish parties or a group lazily enjoying a twilight picnic.

Her gaze drifted to the walls that were flushed with a warm golden color.

Their majestic tiles were bathed in blues and greens around the middle, allowing the lower wooden panels to glow in the soft light. Various lighted sconces resembled the ones back home on Azadi—fireless flames that never needed replenishing.

The elaborate furniture in the room was spacious but elegant. Several lavish sofas created an intriguing focal point in the room. Loose pillows with accented patterns gave the seating arrangement a distinctive look, especially with the elaborately carved dark wood frames in the front and back, exposing the plush padding on the seat and arms.

Gorgeously carved wooden footstools with soft centers added to the inviting luxury. Golden tables around the room boasted various artworks or alien floral arrangements that perfumed the air with a warm, sweet scent.

“Sit, sit.” Warad-Mushtal claimed a large plush chair. He settled back with an ankle crossed over a knee, then rested his bearded chin on his steepled fingers. He waited while everyone sat. His focus was on Abiditan, who sat next to Katsuki with Qhasheik on her other side.

Jelena flopped onto a small loveseat across from her mentors. She frowned when Zamush sat next to her without a word. She gave him a glare out of the corner of her eye. Dammit, there were other places he could have chosen. Her next breath brought his tantalizing, spicy aroma. She clenched her hands to keep from inhaling deeper.

His warmth enfolded her. She hadn’t realized she’d shivered until then. Between his unique scent and warmth, she found the pinch between her shoulders melting away.

Abiditan leaned forward with a hard expression and his hands folded over his thighs. “Tell me about Father.”

Warad-Mushtal looked away with a frown. “I’m afraid I can do better than just tell you. Brace yourself.” He swept his hand across the armrest of the chair.

A free-floating monitor appeared in the middle of the room.