Page 33 of Alien Legacy

A sharp pinch at his neck accompanied a man’s voice. The guy’s guttural tone had a deep, unrecognizable accent.

Claude stilled. Putting his leg down, he kept his hands limp at his side. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a blue glow of whatever pressed into his skin. Across from him, the wall dissolved.

In came a muscular man straight out of an ancient Arabian Night’s tale.

Around him was a contingent of guards, all pointing sharp, blue-tipped spears in Claude’s direction.

He didn’t bother watching the guards. He kept his focus on the giant, commanding figure in the middle.

The man had to be at least six-and-a-half feet tall and was dressed in a short-sleeved dark navy tunic that rested below his knees. The garment left one boulder shoulder bare. Intricate embroidery in silver adorned the left sleeve and across the edge of the fabric, showcasing his massive chest. Wide leather bands etched in silver were around his thick wrists. His pantaloons were in the same navy color and gathered around his ankles. Bright-silver slippers were curled up at the toes. Narrowed, deep-set eyes concentrated in Claude’s direction. A full mustache tapered into a lengthy beard, drooping from his chin in black that framed his frown. His bulbous nose flared.

“Who are you?” The giant spoke with the same guttural accent the guy poking him in the neck had.

Claude spoke several languages, but he had a hard time understanding the thick words spoken. Even if they were in English. “My name is Claude Reese. I’m from Earth.”

The man snorted. “Obviously you’re from Earth. What are you doing here?”

Claude relaxed his clenched hands. He doubted any sign of aggression would go over well. Especially since the group of guards tightened around him. He could fight his way through, but where would he go? He’d rather stay and chat. “I’d be happy to answer that if you tell me where I am.”

The man gave a muffled laugh. “You humans are so impulsive. It’s a wonder you haven’t killed yourselves off by now.” He crossed his arms over his wide chest. “Let’s try this in simpler terms. Where do you think you are?”

Claude frowned. “My goal was the alien base on the moon.” He took a quick glance around. Doubtful that’s where he was. Except for one guard, none of these men had the coloring of an Akurn. They were dark-haired with olive skin tones. And nary a turquoise-colored eye in sight.

“Oh?” The giant’s bushy eyebrows rose. “And just why would a human want to go there?”

Claude’s fingers curled into a fist. So much for trying to keep an unaggressive stance. “They’re attacking Earth, and I have to stop them.” A bead of sweat rolled down his spine.

“What? You, a lone human, going up against the advanced technology of Akurn?” The man took a step, his fists on his hips. With a sneer, he narrowed his eyes. “I’m not stupid enough to believe that. You’re obviously a spy for the Akurns. How else could you find Azadi?”

Azadi? Was that a person or place? “I don’t know what or who Azadi is. I have to infiltrate that alien base and stop what they’re doing to Earth. If this isn’t that base, let me go, and I’ll get out of your way and never bother you again.”

“Let you go? Ah, Earthman, you must be delusional. I would never give Commander Kud one of his spies back.”

He nodded to the guard with the sharp tip embedded at the skin of Claude’s neck.

A light whirling sound as the thing drilled a shallow hole into his skin.

The increasing pain made him wince. It was hard to breathe.

“Mezizi, bind and gag him. We’ll find a better place to continue this conversation.” With one last contemptuous up-and-down look, the giant turned and left through the arched, open doorway.

Two of the guards followed, which left plenty of men to carry out his orders.

“Slap a rappu on this piece of yetu and bind his hands behind his back.”

No sooner had Mezizi barked his orders than Claude’s arms were yanked behind him. A hard material bound his wrists together with his palms open. He tested to see if the binds had any leeway.

Whatever held him didn’t budge.

Another guard approached, holding what looked like a lump of silly putty Claude used to play with as a child. He was about to make a smart-ass comment when the guy put it over his mouth and pressed. A crawling sensation rolled over his lips.

When the man stepped back, the material covered Claude’s mouth, leaving just enough room to breathe through his nose.

After a quick inspection, Mezizi nodded to his companions. “Good, let’s go. Damuzi doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” His captor led the way.

At the hard push between his shoulders, Claude stumbled off the dais. Looked like he didn’t have any choice but to let the aliens lead him into the unknown.
