Page 19 of Alien Legacy

Shther jumped off just in time to avoid getting crushed.

“Lookee what I caught here.”

Jelena’s heart raced as her eyes widened. She clenched to stop from peeing her pants. He had to be the most terrifying thing she’d ever seen in her life. A set of big black horns grew out of his forehead. But it was his gleaming red eyes swimming in a sea of black that made her whimper.

His black horizontal pupils dilated as he glanced up and down at her.

She tried to pry his fingers off. His hold didn’t choke, but she still wanted to beg for her life. The only sound out of her mouth was gurgling spit.

“I don’t think she’s going to hurt you, Qhasheik. You can let her go.” This came from the Akurn male who stood behind her.

She’d never seen him get out of bed.

Qhasheik brought her close as he sniffed her before he pushed her away and let go. “Yeah, Abiditan. Just making sure she didn’t take her weapon there and smack you over the head with it.”

“What’s your name, girl?” This came from the bright-yellow female who sat up with the sheet clutched over her naked chest.

Jelena had never seen a more beautiful woman in her life. Long, silky brown hair matched her eyelashes and arched eyebrows. Her eyes were the same teal color as the tip of BoD’s crossbow.

The female lacked a visible pupil, but Jelena still found herself caught in the woman’s stare.

“Je-Je-Jelena.” She coughed and hugged herself.

Qhasheik laughed. “That’s a strange name, Jeh Jeh Jelena.”

She threw her crossbow at him and immediately regretted it. But she hated it when people made fun of her.

The purple alien caught her new friend without looking.

“Give it back.” She held out her hand.

“Tsk, tsk. Bad little girls don’t get their toys back when they mistreat them.”


A warm hand on her shoulder made her jump. She looked up at the porcelain-skinned Akurn. Her mouth dropped when she saw his eyes.

One was an iridescent gray and the other a stunning dark blue-green.

“Did MoMo send you to us?” His tone was gentle, as if he knew the reason she was there.

Her bottom lip trembled. She nodded.

“Well, my naelfs.” His sardonic smile was aimed at his companions, still on the bed. “It looks like our lives are about to change.”

On the outskirts of Azadi, present day.

Jelena stood, her hands on her hips, at the entrance of her personal quarters in the cave complex. “Illuminate.”

She loved saying that. Soft light peppered across the ceiling and gave her a clear view of the single, wide room she’d claimed as a child. With a satisfied smile, she sauntered inside.

Glancing around, she relaxed, loosening the squeeze at the back of her neck. She rubbed the pain away and tried to see everything with new eyes. Over several years, she’d made the hollowed-out cave as comfortable as possible.

The craggy roof kept its natural rocky appearance.

The floor may have been similar at one time, but over the years she’d smoothed the surface to a glossy sheen. Scattered through the single room were several woven rugs in bright colors she’d painstakingly made herself. Her double bed nestled in an alcove on the right, while a comfortable couch rested against the cave wall on the left. A small kitchen was straight ahead and the closed door across from it led to a bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, she rushed to the horizontal shelves where her clothes were stored. What to take, what to take? She’d never traveled away from home before and was at a loss at what to pack for a long trip. She took BoD out of the harness on her back and placed him on the bed. “What do you think I should take?”