Page 65 of Alien Legacy

She inched to the edge of the doorway. No reason to alert him she was there. Just a quick peek to make sure...

Her eyes widened at the sight. Instead of holding the young Akurn male like she expected, he gave a beautiful Akurn woman a slight shove with a command to go.

The woman stumbled away, a vacant expression on her face.

Jelena jumped out of the way as the woman scurried down the hallway. What in the hell was that all about? Why would he be with some woman? He should be with Asu, finding out who the traitor was. Not traipsing around with some gorgeous Akurn. Pain seared deep in her chest, making yellow spots flash before her eyes. Why, that no good…

Wait… wait. She clenched her teeth and fists. There had to be an explanation as to why he was with a woman and not Asu. Was he somehow working with the traitor? An edgy, twitchy feeling built and clogged her throat.

She jerked as his firm footsteps got close. He couldn’t find her there. She sniffed back the tears threatening to fall. No way would she let him see how he’d hurt her when she caught him with another woman instead of finding out what Asu knew. She scrambled away without a backward glance.

Jelena. BoD’s voice nudged. What’re you doing?

“Nothing.” She pushed the word through thinned lips. “All this means is that I should be with Sychar. Not some fickle dhasa who tries to convince me he wants us to get close, but then goes behind my back to the first woman he finds.” She shoved that hint of hypocrisy away. “I’ll prove that Sychar and I should be together.” That vow was more for herself than the companion strapped on her back.

Prove it how? What in the everlasting galaxy are you ranting about?

Scrambling on the wall beside her, Shther jumped onto her shoulder and hissed.

Dammit. She didn’t have time to answer their nosy questions. “Don’t worry about it,” she mumbled. Thank the Goddess Sychar’s medical room wasn’t too far. It didn’t take long to find it.

There were two guards outside an open door.

Clutching her hands behind her back, she approached them with a wide smile.

“Stop, Adamou. Come no farther,” the guard nearest to her barked. His blue-green eyes narrowed in a scraggy face that had a scar running from his temple across his cheek.

She pinched her lips at his derogatory slur. Good thing for him she had more important things to do besides teaching the jerk some manners. Without a word, she caught his eye and thrust a mind-numbing thrall into him.

His face slackened and he didn’t move.

His companion stepped forward as if to interfere, but she caught his eyes and thrust a compulsion into him.

He froze in place as well.

With both of them out of the way, she entered the healing room and did the same thing to the doctor and his attendants.

I must say—BoD’s tone was full of admiration—you’re getting better at this. Well-done. He cleared a nonexistent throat. Now tell me why we’re here.

Shther’s tongue flickered near her ear as if in agreement.

“I know I’m not wrong about him and me.” Firm conviction laced every word.

Oh, that’s Sychar, isn’t it? Jelena, what’re you doing?

As she approached Sychar’s bedside, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Thankfully, he wasn’t back in a medi-pod.

He instead slept on a regular bed.

She drew close, and his striking masculine features called to her.

His shoulder-length, platinum hair fanned behind his head on the pillow, the underlying reddish tint visible even in the low light. His sturdy face was free of the facial hair typical of an Akurn male. Especially one of royal blood. The smooth skin around his jawline exposed the deep chin cleft. At least the gray pallor wasn’t as dark as before. His cheeks even had a little rosy tinge to them.

Taking in a deep breath, she tried to catch his personal aroma, but it was elusive. Maybe the medicinal scents in the room obscured everything else. Checking behind her, she then focused on him. She’d better make this quick. The strain of holding the Akurns in enthrallment would wear thin soon. With care, she lifted his limp arm and squeezed it with both hands. Her heart pounded as she sucked her bottom lip. This was it. This was her one and only chance to find out if her dreams about the two of them were real.

Turning his wrist over, she exposed his delicate veins. Watching his sleeping face, she lengthened her fangs and struck a shallow bite. Rich Akurn blood filled her mouth. His recent memories exploded inside her.

Visions of torture, starvation, and the underlying panic for the Akurn people were uppermost.