Page 36 of Alien Legacy

She stopped struggling. “No.”

He felt as well as heard her swallow.

“It… um, it was fine.” She took a deep breath. Her nails pierced the skin of his arm.

“Fine?” He nuzzled the other ear. “Is that how you say thank you?”

She stomped a foot. “Yes. No. I mean, thank you.”

“You are more than welcome.” He purred, licking her ear.

She shivered.

He released her and stepped back.

Whirling around, she planted her fists on her trim hips and glared at him with a scowl. “We can’t do this again.” She waved the distance between them. “Or I’ll tell them to leave you on the ship.”

He lifted his palm and created a ball of fire to dance between his fingers. “But if I stay on the ship, how can I protect your precious Sychar? As you can see, I can be a formidable weapon against the Akurns.”

The orange flames reflected across her wide eyes.

He tossed the flame to his other hand and continued to twirl them around his fingers.

Her gaze followed the dancing flame. “Do you have any other surprises?”

“You’ve taken my blood twice. How it is you haven’t read my recent memories?”

“I-I don’t have time to ramble around your thick brain.”

Her tempting lips thinned and she bit the bottom one.

Zamush closed his fist over the warm flames with a tsk and wagged a finger in admonishment. “Why not share blood so we can learn each other’s secrets?”

She crossed her arms under her full breasts and lifted them higher.

His mouth dried.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She shrugged. “Look, Zamush. I hate to be blunt, but here it is. While I appreciate the blood you provide, I have no other interest in you.” She lowered her gaze. “I’m not trying to hurt you, but please understand, my heart belongs to another man. I can’t afford to get distracted by you.” She uncrossed her arms, and her face softened as she faced him. “I’m sorry, but that’s just the way it is.”

She glanced at her lizard on a nearby table and raised her arm. “Come, Shther. We’ve got things to do.”

Her pet leaped from the table and scurried up her arm to resume his perch on her shoulder.

Without another word, she waved the door open and left.

Shther’s pink eyes blinked in his direction.

Hmm. She said he was a distraction. Zamush tapped a forefinger against his mouth. A woman didn’t respond to a man like she did if she was in love with someone else. What to do so she’d see him?

He snapped his fingers. Ah, another Dreamwalk. This time, he’d put them in the lavish tent he’d used when serving Alexander the Great in Asia Minor. There, they’d be free to get to know one another with no distractions.

Words optional.


Are you sure you’re all right?

BoD’s question wasn’t a surprise. The way Jelena’s emotions scrambled all over the place after she took Zamush’s blood made it clear she was far from okay. Not that she’d admit it.