Page 23 of Alien Legacy

When BoD went to sleep, Jelena’s mind didn’t feel as heavy. She squinted and eyed Zamush’s retreating form. Her heart may belong to Sychar, but no reason not to admire the man’s mouthwatering backside.

“You know, he’s not such a bad guy.” Qhasheik rolled out from under the console and twirled a cylinder tool between his fingers with a thoughtful expression. “I believe the two of you have more in common than you ever could with Sychar.”

Her face heated. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Sychar is...”

“Yeah, yeah. You know what I’m talking about. That male.” He waved the tool at the door where Zamush left. “Would do anything to get to know you better. But all you want to do is chase a fantasy. I thought we raised you smarter than that.” He slipped the cylinder into the tool belt strapped around his hips. The rich dark purple of his naked chest rose and fell as he pursed his lips. “I’ve gotten to know Zamush over the last couple of days, and I don’t regret encouraging him to join us. So don’t you mess it up.”

“Encourage him? You let him drink Katsuki and Qhasheik’s blood without them knowing.” The last words came out in a whisper as she glanced at the doorway to make sure neither of them were close enough to hear. “Why would you do that? I thought you loved them.”

Qhasheik hissed. “Don’t you ever question how I feel about my pod.” He’d always called their threesome a pod. “I did it for you so they’d stop arguing about you coming.” She opened her mouth, but he raised a finger. “Plus, I sensed all I needed to know from him. I’m convinced we could use his unique expertise.” He twirled his finger to encompass the ship. “Besides, we’re outnumbered, and we need all the help we can get.” He leaned against the console and crossed his arms. “I don’t understand why you’re questioning me about him. You drank his blood. You should’ve gotten everything you need to know about him then.”

She bit the inside of her cheek and couldn’t look at him. “I can’t read him.” That was hard to confess. “His blood was so rich I had a hard time processing everything.” A good excuse as any.

“Pshaw.” Qhasheik snorted as he gripped his suspenders, running his fingers up and down the material. He stared into the distance before zeroing back to her. “I’ve noticed you’ve been avoiding him since we left Azadi. Why not put on your big girl panties, swallow your dumb-ass pride, and get to know him? If not for you, then for us. You’re a hell of a lot calmer when he’s around.”

She couldn’t stop the twitch of her lips. “Big girl panties? You’ve been watching Earth videos again, haven’t you?”

“Yep.” he caressed the suspenders faster. “Hey, I’m allowed to take a break now and then. Nothing else to do until the Jump Drive is ready.”

“And just when do you think that’ll be?” Abiditan came in holding a tiny bowl full of meat shavings. He put it on the counter in front of Jelena.

Shther scrambled down her arm with excited pants and devoured the treat.

“I thought Zamush was going to bring this.” Not that she cared.

“Katsuki has him doing something in the cargo bay and asked if I’d bring this in here.”

Katsuki? She jumped out of the chair. If he thought he could roam around biting her friends, he’d better rethink…

“Yeah, I asked him to move some of those cargo crates to another area of the bay to secure them better.” Katsuki came in, reading her tablet. “Once that’s done, we should be ready for the Jump.” She went to Qhasheik and caressed one of his horns as she cuddled under his arm.

“So, is it ready, suharus? I can’t wait to get back to Akurn.” The shine from her pupilless turquoise eyes glistened. “Covertly, of course.”

Not to be left out, Abiditan enfolded Katsuki between him and Qhasheik, creating a love sandwich. “We are all anxious, my naelf, my everything.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I can’t wait to see my family again.”

His deep sigh made Jelena’s eyes water.

“It’s been so long since I’ve been home. I worry about my family all the time.”

“Don’t worry, my pod.” Qhasheik squeezed Abiditan’s shoulder. “The Jump is almost ready. Just a few more tweaks and tests and we’ll be ready to go.”

“All secure.”

Zamush’s throaty voice made her jump. Crap! She never saw him come in. One minute… empty space. The next, he took up the entire room.

“Great!” Katsuki hugged her companions with an arm around each trim waist—one bright white and the other an eggplant purple. Her starburst-yellow skin added to their unique kaleidoscope. “I can’t stand waiting! But once we’re there, all our sacrifices will be worth it.”

Jelena’s pulse raced. It was hard to catch a breath. They’d jump to Akurn, land near Abiditan’s family estate, and make plans to rescue Sychar. Her vision filled with spots as she became lightheaded. Once she met the man of her dreams, everything would fall into place.

She ignored Zamush’s possessive stare and hugged herself, lost in a fantasy of being with the man she loved.


Zamush ground his back molars at the besotted expression on Jelena’s face. One day, she’d look at him like that.

Her eyes unfocused with a nonsensical smile whenever Sychar’s name was mentioned.

Zamush was the man for her. Not some faraway Romeo who didn’t know she was even alive. Finding out what was important to her was his top priority. Once he did that, she’d discover how much he admired and desired her for the woman she was.