Page 20 of Alien Legacy

Less is better. Just grab a couple of changes of clothes. I don’t understand what the problem is.

“You’re no help.” Men, males... whatever. Useless. A glint caught her eye. On one shelf was her prized possession, an ever-changing picture of Sychar when he’d been prince Amil-Shamash. She’d created the montage of the man in several poses after Abiditan displayed a video about the WOTA leader. After one look, she fell hard and fast for the rebel. With a sigh, she crushed the frame to her wildly beating heart. If she couldn’t take anything else, she’d take this.

You know you don’t need that. BoD admonished. You’re going to meet the man on this trip. And you’d better not make a fool of yourself when you do.

“Oh hush. It’s so small nobody’ll know I have it.” From under her bed, she pulled out a bin holding various scraps of cloth she used to make her rugs. Dumping the contents onto the bed, she put random outfits from the shelf into it. She studied an old shirt she hadn’t worn in years. A light scratch on the side of her neck heralded Shther’s presence. “Oh, there you are.” She petted his narrow snout with her forefinger and turned her attention back to the blouse. “I’m not sure if I...”

Another scratch, this one a touch deeper. “Ouch, you little monster!” She laughed as she picked up her pet’s bright-red body between her fingers. Taking him off her shoulder, she gave him a light kiss on his snout before putting him on the bed. “Stay there until I’m finished.”

Shther shook his triangle head, hopping up and down.

Jelena frowned. “What are you doing?”

The moon lizard flipped over and over in the air.

“Okay, I get you want some attention. Are you hungry?” If she wasn’t mistaken, she had some leftover meat scraps in the cooling unit…

The reptile stilled and offered her his right paw.

Oh, their universal sign he saw something she needed to know.

“All right, hang on. I’ll grab a pin.” If she sipped a drop of his blood, she’d have access to his recent memories. As gently as possible, she poked the palm of his paw until a bright bead of blue blood surfaced. She swiped it with her forefinger and placed it on her tongue, closing her eyes to see the images better.

There was her prisoner, Zamush, free as a kraiwk bird. The guy bit Abiditan. Drank blood like she did. She frowned. Why didn’t she learn that about him when she took his? She grunted. No wonder her enthrallment didn’t work.

It was easy to tell her foster father fell under Zamush’s spell. She’d give anything to hear what the two men talked about. The only thing she had to go on was Shther’s murky visuals.

The next scene involved Katsuki. Once again, the guy only took a couple of swallows. She could tell by his narrowed eyes he gave her some kind of command. He had to be insisting he not be kept a prisoner.

The last set of images were shoddy and unfocused, but it included Qhasheik, who the dark-haired man didn’t drink from. The traitor, Qhasheik, should’ve put the prisoner back into his cell and called for her to come and get him. Looks like her mentor convinced the guy not to drink from him. Too bad. It would’ve served him right to experience Qhasheik’s bitter blood.

Jelena opened her eyes and pushed her hair back. Where was that jackass now? Her gut twisted after calling Zamush that name.

What’s wrong?

Her face heated. “Oh, nothing. That stupid man got out and enthralled my friends.”

For once, BoD didn’t rebuke her. She tapped her foot as she waited for the know-it-all to spout some crap that would only piss her off.

Let’s consider this a good thing.

Her left eyebrow rose. “Really? Enlighten me, oh wise one.”

If the others let him have free rein on the ship and he does something he shouldn’t, they can’t blame you.

Humph. Good point.

Besides, if he didn’t run away when he had the chance, you won’t have to spend all your time watching him. Then you’ll become more of an integral part of the team.


“Fine.” The image of Zamush suckling Katsuki’s blood heated her face. No way was he going to let him do that to her. A low flutter in her groin twisted as she visualized being a donor under his seeking mouth. She shuddered, imagining being under his enthrallment. No way. She’d never let him or anyone else manipulate her. She was her own person. And everything she was, everything she would be, only included sharing herself with Sychar. She belonged to him.

No matter how insanely attractive she thought Zamush was.

~Sub-Prince Murduk~

Flush from his victory at the temple, Murduk strode with purpose into his harem. Glorious images of enjoying a decadent orgy made his cock swell. “Nungal, is everything ready in my playroom?” Impatient to start, he loosened his breastplate and let it fall. The invaluable shield would never hit the floor. Those around him knew better.