Page 373 of Roughneck

Most of the other street kids Reece and I knew did it. They talked about their ‘clients’ like it was no big deal. And it wasn’t really. Not compared to another night of seeing Reece suffering, sick, and never knowing if we’d have a roof over our heads for the night or not.

I hesitated only one more moment before dropping my backpack, then pulling my jacket off and tying it around my waist. My soaked shirt was molded to my chest. I ran a quick hand through my hair.

I hadn’t had a proper shower in a few weeks but me and Reece were far more conscientious about personal hygiene than most of our fellow unhoused. I always made sure we had a stick of deodorant between us and we sponged down every time we had access to a bathroom.

I looked up and down the road. Cars continually drove past but none slowed down. It was only around eight o’clock. Maybe too early for this sort of thing.

I rocked back and forth on my toes, shoving my hands in my jeans pocket. Christ, was I supposed to do something other than stand here? Was there some secret wave I should make at the passing drivers to let them know I was open for business? How the fuck did this work?

But just as I was thinking that, a beat-up gold-toned Buick with peeling paint slowed down and pulled over in front of where I was standing.

I peered at the car, taking a step forward. Between the darkness and the drizzling rain, I couldn’t make out the driver. Were they just looking for a parking spot or—

The passenger side window rolled down and I cringed when I saw the face that emerged. The driver was leaning over to peer at me. He was a red-faced guy with about three chins and a case of adult acne. He looked me up and down in a way that made my stomach queasy.

“Fifty to blow me,” the guy said.

I backed away, hands up. “Hey man, I’m not into that.” It was just an impulse response. I wasn’t stupid. I knew most of the pickups here were dudes looking for… but no. Just no. Not my first time.

The guy scowled at me. “Fuck you.” The car wheels screeched as he pulled back into traffic.

“Hey. You.”

I looked behind me and saw a couple guys headed my direction.

“Yeah, you. Who you think you are, crashing our spot?”

Shit. One of the guys was as skinny as me, but the other one was thick around the middle, with wide shoulders. The last thing I needed was to end up with a broken nose or worse, in the hospital.

Maybe this was a bad fucking idea. Especially just jumping in like this. I should have gone to Star or one of our other friends and asked them to show me the ropes. But fuck, I didn’t want to deal with any goddamn pimps. I just needed to get a little bit of cash and—

“What? You fuckin’ deaf? I said, who you think you are, motherfucker?” The big guy pulled something out of his pocket. Holy shit, was that a knife?

I backed away from the approaching men. Just as I did, a beamer slowed down by the sidewalk in front of me.

Screw it. Even if it was another troll, the situation was getting way too fucking hot here. I ran for the car, jerking the back door open and jumping in before yanking it shut behind me.

I was greeted by two surprised faces looking back at me from the front seat. A man and woman, both who looked to be in their late thirties. They were dressed up—the guy in a suit and the woman in a black cocktail dress. Neither was stunning, but they weren’t ugly either. Just plain old regular folks. Well, maybe not so regular considering they were trolling Polk Street looking for a prostitute.

“Hey,” I said, giving an awkward wave. “So, uh, we can discuss terms while we drive?” I glanced anxiously out the window. The two guys had paused a few feet away, looking unsure how to proceed. I didn’t plan on waiting for them to figure it out. “You don’t want to stay parked in this neighborhood. There are gangs. They’ll yank you out of your car to steal it.” It was an exaggeration. That kind of thing didn’t usually happen but I’d say anything to get the car moving.

The man let out a nervous, “Oh,” and reached down to punch a door lock button. “Okay. Well, let’s go then.”

He put the car in gear and then we were driving. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

“So, um,” the man cleared his throat. “What are your rates? To, um, you know. Spend the night?”

I glanced between him and the back of the woman’s head. Apart from the first glance at him, she’d been sitting ramrod straight in the passenger’s seat. I was sitting directly behind her so I couldn’t see more than the back of her head. Her thick brown hair was twisted in some kind of fancy knot. As I looked, though, I caught her watching me in her visor mirror. She quickly averted her eyes.

Okay. So these two didn’t exactly seem experienced with this whole thing. Or were they just playing that way? You never knew what people’s kinks were. That was something else I’d seen far too much of. I might only be eighteen but me and Reece both had some experience. Orgasms were one thing that felt good no matter who you were or what your living situation was. I was just religious about using protection.

“So I’ll be fucking both of you or just one?” I tried to clarify.

“Um,” the guy said, his voice stuttering. “Well, it’s Victoria’s birthday and I told her she could have whatever she wanted. And she’s always had this fantasy, so…”

I looked the guy up and down. The suit looked expensive. And the car certainly wasn’t a cheap ride. These two had dough. And I needed enough for two bus tickets East.

“Five hundred for the whole night.” I tried to make my voice confident even though inside I was kicking myself as soon as it was out of my mouth. Shit. They were going to toss me out on my ass for asking too much. No way would they pay that mu—