Page 329 of Roughneck

I mean, there really was no other alternative. I wanted on this train for every stop, every inch of track laid until the bitter end.

But that still didn’t mean I couldn’t fucking tease him into getting what I wanted, though. So I stuck my tongue out and licked his thumb that was closest, toying with just the tip.

I felt his cock stiffen and jolt inside me. I was affecting him just as much as he was me. Good.

He let go of my chin, but only so he could grasp the hair at the nape of my neck and drag my head backward as he continued to fuck me, harder now, rougher.

And when his mouth dropped to the sensitive flesh of my neck, right above my collarbone—

I howled into the rain and came hard around his cock, clenching and milking him.

His head came up and, oh God, his face was glorious, all clenched and bulging veins as he threw his head back and grabbed my hips with both hands as he fucked me harder still, our hips slapping against one another until he emptied himself inside me.

He pulled out right away, and his cum slipped down the center of my legs.

He reached down between us and drew back up with his cupped hands, smearing the mixture of us all over my heaving breasts even as the rain immediately washed it away.

It was still the fucking hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life, and the mesmerized, satiated look on his face as he did it—holy shit!

An aftershock sent my legs spasming, and he looked up at me, a boyish grin on his face as he reached back down between my legs. Not for more cum this time but to massage me where I was so sensitive. I immediately cried out and shied back from him against the truck.

But he just shook his head at me. “You’ve got one more for me, I know you do.”

My mouth dropped open and rain dribbled in over my lips, down my tongue. And he stood closer, his chest rubbing against mine as he worked two fingers inside me.

He was crazy. I’d already come twice, and so goddamn hard, I couldn’t—

But then my entire body jolted as he started to massage that spot inside me. Jesus fuck, I’d thought the G-spot was an urban legend before tonight. And here he was, finding it time after time after—

I wailed as the orgasm started, my already sensitized body on edge and so ready for it.

And only now did he kiss me, swallowing and lapping up my lips and my tongue as I screamed, him never letting up those working, talented fingers of his.

It felt like minutes… or hours later after I’d collapsed on him, the world having gone so bright with the orgasm and then beautifully dim, rain dancing down my hot flesh, him cradling my head against his shoulder, that he finally traced his fingers up my arm and started unraveling the seat belt.

Oh… yeah. Right. I flexed my fingers, and they did feel a little numb. I blinked, feeling like I was coming back from a deep fog. What the—

He rubbed my hand to warm it up, and yeah, I guessed it was cold. I was actually cold all the way through really, standing out here in the rain. He released my other hand and I sort of fell against him. He was ready for me, though, and he caught me, one arm going underneath my shoulders and around my back.

“Here we go,” he said gently, opening the door to the truck and helping me climb back in.

All my limbs felt limp as wet noodles. Seriously, what the hell? I’d never felt like this after sex. I mean, no, I’d never had toe-curling sex while being tied up in the middle of a rainstorm with Jeremiah Walker obviously, but still! What the fuck!

I crawled over to my side of the truck cab, glad now for the warmth inside.

Jeremiah came in after me. Our wet clothes were twisted on the floor of the cab. I shivered and crossed my arms over my chest, still blinking a little in shock at what we’d just done. I felt almost embarrassed to look at Jeremiah. We were both still completely buck naked.

“Come here,” he said, breaking the silence, and I dared to look up at him. He had one arm held out.

When I didn’t move, he slid over the bench seat toward me and pulled me into his arms. I collapsed against him.

He massaged my wrists and I jumped a little. They were sore, I hadn’t even realized, from being bound in the seatbelts. I blinked up at him but he just pressed my head back down against his chest. “Hush now,” he said, his voice deep and rumbling. “Just rest now.”

And for once in my life, I didn’t challenge him. I did what he said. I rested my head against his chest, listened to his steady heartbeat, and lost myself in the warmth of him.

Chapter Six