Page 314 of Roughneck

That voice came from behind Buchanan. At first I thought it was Reece, but no, as they got closer I realized it was Jeremiah. “That sounded like a threat to me. Did that sound like a threat, Reece?”

“Sure did, brother,” Reece said, dark eyes glaring at Buchanan.

“Don’t know who you are, sir,” Jeremiah said, clapping a firm hand on Buchanan from behind and dragging him back from the threshold of our doorstep several steps. “But you better rethink going around and threatening folks I consider family. It’s unwise and frankly, ungentlemanly. Good day to you. Let’s never see each other again.”

“Aww,” Ruth called out, holding out her phone. “You’re trending. Where does he work again, Charlie? I bet they’d love to see one of their employees treating a woman with such disrespect.”

Buchanan looked briefly panicked and I stepped up to the door. “Get the hell out of here and I never want to see your face again.” I straightened my shoulders. “Jeff died of a tornado that he did not treat with enough respect. And I’m no longer the meek, unprotected woman the two of you could push around. So leave me the hell alone. Or I’ll ruin you and take pleasure doing it.”

Buchanan stormed off without another word. I imagined that him letting me have the last word was preferable only to actually having to agree with me.

I felt like a thousand bucks as his back disappeared. Not only had I told him off, but for the first time in my life, I had people behind me. Friends who would support me. Jeremiah of all people had called me family.

“Shit, Charlie, are you okay? That asshole had no right—” Ruth started.

But I just pulled her into a hug.

“Group hug!” Ruth called, reaching out for Jer and Reece. And as their arms closed around me, I felt truly loved for the first time in my life. I had people in my corner who would actually back me up and take my side.

I laughed and cried, and when we pulled apart, I finally told them all the whole story. Of Jeff and me. Of how I’d escaped two months ago and then how he’d come for me. I told them how I ended up in the ditch and how Jeff… how Jeff was finally gone forever.

I didn’t know if God had finally heard my prayer or if Reece was right, and it was just karma finally catching up with Jeff, but either way, I was going to live the hell out of the life that was now mine, free and clear.

And afterwards, while Ruth and Jeremiah were in the kitchen getting drinks, Reece sidled up beside me. “So, I know everything’s been nuts, but I was wondering… Would you want to go on a date sometime?”

I grinned up at him. “I’d like that a lot.”


Buck stared out at the ruined ranch house that had finally driven that bitch off the land, chewing on his tobacco and then spitting into the grass.

It wasn’t as satisfying as if he’d been the one to drive Ruth off, but at least the slut was finally gone.

But she wasn’t ruined. To hear Jeremiah tell it, she was getting insurance money for the house, plus money for finally selling the last plot of land to the brothers’ boss.

Buck shook his head in disgust.

Wasn’t right.

That money should be his.

He spit again, feeling the hate rise up like bile in his gut.

This whole fucking ranch should be his by rights. It was stolen from him, pure and simple.

Pulling up fence posts now and again and letting out the cows—that had always been thinking small. It had taken a damn tornado to get her off the land, but Buck shook his head and spit out another long stream of tobacco juice.

Ruth hadn’t even been in the house.

She hadn’t suffered.

Now Buck, he’d suffered. His whole damn life had been suffering, and all because of her. And what, she just got to ride off into the sunset with all his money? With everything that shoulda been his?

That wasn’t right. That wasn’t fair.

And Buck was fucking tired of shit that wasn’t fair.

If he couldn’t get back what was due him in this life, then by God he could make sure that he’d make them that made his life this way pay.