Page 107 of Roughneck


“I’ve got a pulse!”

“Eye movement.”

The orderly holding Hunter back released him and Hunter ran toward the bed.

“Isobel!” he called out. He stayed several feet behind the doctor and nurses, not wanting to get in their way.

Especially when he saw that they were right, Isobel was blinking and coughing and moving her head like she was trying to get her bearings.

“Bel!” he called, laughing and crying at the same time. One of the nurses moved aside and Hunter couldn’t help himself. He fit himself into the empty spot at Isobel’s side and grabbed her hand that didn’t have the IV in it.

“I’m here,” he said, lifting her hand and kissing it. “Bel, I’m here.”

Isobel’s eyes had been flickering wildly around but at his touch and voice, they settled on his face.

Her mouth opened up and it seemed like she was trying to say something.

She winced, dragging her hand to her throat.

“Water,” Hunter called out. “We need some water over here.”

Hunter had no idea who he was barking orders to or if any second they were going to try to boot him from the room again.

Screw that. His Isobel was alive and awake and nothing was going to drag him away from her side except the goddamned reaper himself.

Apparently someone had been listening, because the next second, he was handed a cup of water with a straw in it. He immediately held it up to Isobel’s mouth, settling the straw between her lips.

She took a sip, then coughed a little, then took another sip.

She tried talking again. Her voice was still croaky and Hunter could barely make her out when she said, “Yes. My answer is yes.”

“What?” Hunter asked, leaning in to hear her better.

She took another sip of water and then said louder, even though it looked like it was taking all her energy, “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Did she really just—

Hunter let out a whoop and almost dumped the water over in his eagerness to kiss her. Then he pulled back and looked at the doctors and nurses still in the room. “Did you hear that? This woman’s gonna be my wife!”

Isobel’s exhausted giggle was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard in his life.



Liam’s leg bounced up and down while the pastor droned on and on and on. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, yada yada. He had to scoff at that last one though. All the people who’d ever loved him had certainly only been in it for the riches.

Hunter had loved Isobel before he knew he was getting a half billion-dollar payday out of the deal, so they might be all right. Liam had tried to get her to write up a prenup but she wouldn’t have it. Half a billion was chump change to him but he’d seen people lose their shit over far less.

“I do,” Isobel said, beaming at Hunter.

“It’s just so beautiful,” Reece said from beside Liam, wiping his eyes with a handkerchief.

Jeremiah shook his head at his brother but Liam saw him swipe at his eye when he thought no one was looking.

Liam smirked at them. They were a good bunch. Well, except for Mackenzie. That guy was just an asshole. But the others... Liam glanced down the row at the twins and Nicholas. Xavier and Mel were sitting a row ahead of them with their sons—all three of them. The baby was napping quietly in Xavier’s arms.