Page 104 of Roughneck

“Liam just got back from his turn with the horses. Thought you’d like to know that Bright Beauty’s doing real well. Her back legs are healed up almost completely. Dean was begging to ride her so Xavier saddled her up. Liam said she seemed excited to have a rider again. Even if his feet could barely reach the stirrups.”

Hunter attempted a smile but mostly failed. He kept trying to warm her hand up, then paused and reached over to pull up the blanket that had fallen down to her waist. “Gotta keep warm, honey.”

He picked up her hand again after fixing the blanket. It lay so limp in his. His throat got tight.

Just keep talking.

“Things are moving forward in the case against Catrina. Thought you might like to know that too. Marie found another vial of PCP when she searched Catrina’s purse.” Marie had probable cause because of what the waiter had told her. “That was enough to throw her in lock up. Then Xavier and Mel got their lawyer involved. I guess he specializes in inheritance law. They looked into it with your dad’s estate lawyer and it turns out it’s true—he did leave all the money to you. But if your stepmom could get you declared mentally unfit—well, then she’s still officially your next of kin.”

Hunter’s jaw clenched. He’d never thought himself capable of violence toward any woman, but he just might make an exception for Catrina Snow. She’d put Isobel through hell. Not just now. Isobel hadn’t told him much, but it was clear enough that Catrina was a toxic presence in her life. And after what the attorney’s PI had turned up…

Hunter’s stomach went queasy at the thought of Isobel having to grow up with such a vicious, vindictive witch.

“When Xavier’s lawyer contacted your father’s estate attorney, the guy flew out here to confirm it was actually you. I don’t know if you remember, but he’s actually been in here a couple times. Dan. He and your dad were good friends. Your dad had asked him to look into a few things the last year. Like investigating the psychiatrist you saw throughout your teens.”

Hunter had to let go of her hand because he was afraid he might crush it. Every time he thought about this part, he got so furious he wanted to break things. “It turned out there was a lot to know about Dr. Rubenstein. Like how he had a gambling habit. And how on several occasions, he just happened to have large sums of money deposited into his account. And how those deposits just happened to coincide with extravagant ‘trips’ your stepmother claimed she was taking a group of girlfriends on.”

Hunter’s hands balled into fists and he could feel his blood pressure rising. He paused and took several deep breaths. He looked back to Isobel and it killed him knowing she’d been abused by the people who were supposed to be helping her. “I’m so sorry, Bel. I’m so sorry that she had everyone believing her lies. That she even got the therapist involved to gaslight you and make you think you were crazy. Who the fuck does that?”

He took her hand again. “But your Dad knew. He knew in the end what they’d done to you. Dan gave him the report about a week and a half before he died. That’s when he changed the will. Dan says he was horrified by it.”

Hunter willed her to respond. Watching for any twitch.


“So with all that, the county judge set your stepmom’s bail at half a million dollars. Without access to your dad’s money, she’s broke. She’s being charged with attempted manslaughter and with felony possession. And those are just the charges she faces in Wyoming.”

Hunter had run out of things to say. “I miss you, Bel. Please… just… please.”

He watched her for any sign that she was hearing him.

But she continued lying still like she was frozen under some supernatural spell. Beautiful and perfect and young but forever out of reach.

Hunter looked around and, not seeing anyone, got up from his chair. He leaned over Isobel. He rolled his eyes at himself for being a fucking idiot, but still. He kissed her. He squeezed his eyes shut as he pressed his lips against hers.

Please, Isobel. I’m here. Can’t you feel me here? Come back to me. Fight for us.

Her lips were soft as always, but unresponsive.

He pulled away, eyes searching her face for long moments.

Still nothing.

He huffed out a laugh at himself, then ran both his hands through his hair. Jesus, he was losing it. Like a kiss was going to just magically make her wake up.

He scrubbed his hands down his face.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep beep beep, beep-beep-beep-beep—

Hunter looked up in alarm to see the machines monitoring Isobel start to go crazy.

Isobel began convulsing.

“Isobel!” He reached for the nurse call button and punched it. “Help, we need help in room 301.”

Jesus! Hunter reached out for her but didn’t know where to hold her that wouldn’t make things worse. “Fuck! Fuck!” He ran for the door. “Doctor!” he yelled.

But a team of doctors and nurses were already headed toward the room. Hunter pulled back to make way. “Her heartrate started going crazy and then she started shaking like—”