I meld my lips to hers. She sighs and I press my tongue inside. She tastes of honey with a hint of salt. I know I’m tasting myself but I don’t care. The taste is a combination of the two of us, which turns me on.
I feel myself lengthen and harden as she squirms on top of me. She gasps and lifts her mouth.
“Are you ready to go again?”
“Not quite, but I will be soon.”
“I guess there’s an advantage to being with a younger man after all.”
“Oh, pixie, my cock isn’t eager for another round because I’m younger. He’s eager because it’s you.”
I untie her hands before flipping us, so I’m on top. She reaches for me, but I shake my head.
“Not yet.”
“No fair,” she pouts.
She won’t be pouting long if I have anything to say about it. I yank the cups of her bra down before latching onto her nipple. She arches her back shoving her breasts into my face. Fine by me. I tease one nipple with my teeth while I knead the other breast.
I inch away. “Still think it’s not fair?”
She looks at me with glossy eyes. “What’s not fair?”
I chuckle as I lay her back on the bed before dragging her bra down her arms.
“Hold onto the headboard.”
I wait until she latches onto the headboard before using the bra to secure her hands.
I kiss her nose. “You with me?”
Shit. Condoms. I jump off the bed.
“Where are you going?”
“Need to grab a condom. I won’t enter you bear again until I have my test results back.”
Call me an optimist but I went to White Bridge to get tested the day after we had sex the first time.
She indicates the nightstand. “Top drawer.”
I open the drawer and grin when I notice what else is in the drawer. I pull out the vibrator. “Well. Well. Well. What do we have here?”
She rolls her eyes. “I hope I don’t need to explain.”
I drop the vibrator back in the drawer and grab a condom from the box. “We’ll play with that another time.”
I shove my pants down my legs and don the condom before returning to the bed. The sight nearly undoes me. Soleil – the woman of my dreams – is topless and tied to the bed. Her nipples are hard peaks my fingers itch to play with more. But first, those pants need to go.
I unzip her jeans before drawing them down her legs. Soleil may be short but her legs are long and shapely. I throw the jeans over my shoulder before climbing onto the bed.
I glide my hands along her legs as I settle my hips between her thighs. “Love your skin, pixie.”
“All natural honey products.” I laugh at her answer.
“Are you ready for me?” I ask as I tease her opening with my fingers. Her excitement leaks from her. “Did sucking me off excite you?”