Page 6 of Bragg's Match

My cock perks up. He’s extremely interested in the idea of feeling Soleil wrapped around him. I inhale a few deep breaths to calm myself down before I reach the shed and peek in the window.

Soleil is bent over a piece of pottery with what appears to be a turkey baster in her hand. What does she need a turkey baster for?

I check my watch. Time to initiate my Cheer Soleil Up-plan.

Her soft music switches off and the song I chose for her –The Mansince she’s such a Taylor Swift fan – begins.


She screams as the music blares and jumps to her feet. The piece of pottery she was working on totters on the table. Shit. I rush inside but I’m too late.

The pottery is smashed to smithereens on the floor. “Crap.”

“Crap?” Her head whips up. “What are you doing in here?”

Her eyes narrow and I can practically see her putting the pieces together in her mind. She points at me. “This is all your fault. Two weeks of work are down the drain because of your stupid prank.”

I raise my arms in surrender. “I was trying to get you to relax and have a bit of fun.”

She throws her hands in the air. “Have a bit of fun? Does it look as if I have time for a bit of fun?”

“Everyone should make time for fun.”

“Not everyone can live off daddy’s money,” she sneers.

I scowl. I don’t live off daddy’s money. Did I receive a nice-sized inheritance when my dad died a few years ago? Yes, but I don’t live off the money. I invested all of it inNaked Falls Brewing,the brewery my brothers, Miller and Elder, own and operate.

I have my own money. Lots of it in fact. But no one knows about it. Probably because I keep it quiet. I’ll tell the family when I’m a big success. Not before.

“I’m sorry. I was trying to cheer you up.”

Her eyes flash with an emotion I can’t read before she blinks and it’s gone. “Cheer me up? I don’t need cheering up.”

She’s lying, but now is not the time to call her on it.

“I’ll get a broom and help you clean this up.”

I whirl around and nearly bump into a shelf of finished pottery.


I raise my hands and slowly turn toward her. “Nothing happened.”

“Nothing happenedyet.” She inhales a deep breath. “Please leave. I do not need your help cleaning up.”


She cuts me off. “No. I don’t want to hear it.”

I drop my chin to my chest. “Okay. Fine. I’ll go. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” I trail off with a shrug.

“No more pranks, Brody!” she shouts after my retreating form.

I make no promises. Pranks are my love language. But maybe next time I’ll be a bit more careful because – spoiler alert – she didn’t love her surprise.

Chapter 3

What gets wet while drying? A towel! ~ Text from Elder to Brody